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Re: Oldsmobile oil pump conversion kit update
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Peter Telis
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Thank You Jack for taking the time to speak with me on the land line,I will hook up a gauge on the oil sending unit and call you with the results. Peter

Posted on: 2010/8/4 20:24
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Re: Oldsmobile oil pump conversion kit update
Home away from home
Home away from home

Jack Vines
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For those who are interested, Peter is doing a test for us which should provide interesting data on the oil pressures inside a used running Packard V8 engine.

The test is simple - he has already installed a known good aftermarket oil pressure gauge at the oil filter inlet in the front of the engine and noted cold and warm oil pressure. This is the remaining pressure after all engine components have received oil.

Second, Peter is going to mover the pressure fitting to the rear of the engine at the OEM oil pressure sender. This gives a reading on the pressure head, before any components have been oiled.

Then Peter is going to install the high volume Oldsmobile pump kit and repeat the same test.

If we really wanted to prevail on Peter's good nature, we'd ask him to put a Tee in the line to the oil filter, so the pressure leak to the filter would be accounted for in the after readings.

Addition - The Packard Shop Manual specification is 50# at the sender at 2800 RPMs and oil warm after a highway drive and only 10# at 500 RPM idle.

jack vines

Posted on: 2010/8/5 9:57
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Re: Oldsmobile oil pump conversion kit update
Forum Ambassador
Forum Ambassador

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Yes, that should be very interesting and I anxiously await the results. I've done the same measurements, hot and cold, on my 93,000 mile Caribbean. It would be helpful when interpreting the data to know if the engine is a "late" 56 with the running changes to the cam plate and spacer and the somewhat earlier changes to the rocker shafts. My readings (cold/hot) at the oil pressure gauge sender were 45/38 and at the filter inlet 17/14. To my knowledge the engine has never had any significant engine work and oil pump is the Packard pump, what I call the 3rd or last generation. I've pulled a sampling of main and rod bearings and they appear in fine condition.

Posted on: 2010/8/5 10:13
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Re: Oldsmobile oil pump conversion kit update
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Peter Telis
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Hi Jack and Owen, This is Peter (56packard 400)regarding my 56 Packard 400 production number my vin is 5687-3905 which the last four digits are the number of car built minus 1000 which means my car is the 2905th. of a total of 3224 the the 1956 year and the 319th. from the end of the 400's. Jack today I received the conversion block, and my 1970 Olds delta 88 oil pump and pick up which is a Seal Power 2224-41203V but the conversion block does not line up to any of the holes , I looked up the number and it is I think what i ordered. Always a problem with some thing are there any photos of the olds pump so I can compare? Jack, I may have not mentioned the fact that I do have a tee on the oil filter with the gauge attached and next week I will install a second gauge in place of the sending unit, a little under the weather giving it a brake for a few days. Will certainly give any results I get. If there are photos showing what a olds pump looks like please let me know.God Bless All Peter.

Posted on: 2010/8/5 14:23
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Re: Oldsmobile oil pump conversion kit update
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Peter Telis
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P.S. Peter (56packard 400) If there is anyone who has had problems with the push button ultramatic relays & actuator and solved them,please help me i would appreciate it, I am new to the forum and fumble around to find things which has not given me to much success. Thank You again and God Bless,Peter

Posted on: 2010/8/5 14:31
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Re: Oldsmobile oil pump conversion kit update
Forum Ambassador
Forum Ambassador

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56packard400 wrote:.......If there is anyone who has had problems with the push button ultramatic relays & actuator and solved them.......Peter

One of the posters here is Mr Pushbutton(John) who is the Guru in respect of pushbutton matters. No doubt he'll be along soon and if you can give some specifics he'd be able to respond accordingly. In the meantime you may be able to do a search here for his posts on pushbutton matters.

Posted on: 2010/8/5 14:47

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Re: Oldsmobile oil pump conversion kit update
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Forum Ambassador

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I had an actuator motor assembly rebuilt by Mr. Pushbutton who makes a specialty of these and is a regular on these pages. Highly recommended, I'd consider him THE source. I've only had one pushbutton problem in 13 years which turned out to be a relay but I always have Mr. PB's rebuilt unit in the trunk just in case.

Posted on: 2010/8/5 14:56
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Re: ultramatic pushbutton problem with relays or actuator??????
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Peter Telis
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Thank You Ozstatman for your reply I have read the service manual about this subject but am a bit confused, I will post my problems when i am able to but them in words that make sense. Maybe Ozstatman will read this post and reply, accuse me for not being able to get around, 68 years old and not computer savvy. sometimes very painful, just joking, Peter (56Packard400)

Posted on: 2010/8/5 15:03
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Re: Ultramatic push button problems
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Peter Telis
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Thank you Owen, does MrPushbuuton have a business land phone number i could call him on rather than typing on the computer?

Posted on: 2010/8/5 15:07
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Re: Ultramatic push button problems
Forum Ambassador
Forum Ambassador

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Mr. Pushbutton:

Cell: 248-417-2158
Home: 248-324-0343

Posted on: 2010/8/5 15:21
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