Re: oil bath air cleaner element 327 - 2bbl
Home away from home
I've had opportunity to drive cars with both setups, and I know that the 4bbl gives an extra 15 (or is it 20?)hp at the top end but in normal usage the 2 bbl has a better "tip in" feel and seems generally more responsive below 80 mph or so.
When the secondaries open you don't get much of a noticeable extra push like you do on a v8--I guess has to do with the breathing characteristics of the S8 engine. The small primaries on the 4bbl do seem to give netter mileage tho. Was just stunned to learn that the humongous 58-60 Lincolns used a 2bbl on that 430 inch engine.
Posted on: 2012/5/26 8:29