Re: Packard rotary antenna
Forum Ambassador
Depends on which wire you mean.
The antenna wire to radio plugs into a short wire which clips or solders on to the shaft in the space between outside roof and inside support structure. Removing the antenna, disconnecting the lead in at the plug and repairing the short wire, then reinstalling should not be too difficult. The mechanism that raises the telescoping section via the knob is a bit more problematic. As I recall, it is a flat spring like "wire" around 3/32 or so wide and a few thousandths thick. I don't remember exact specs or what type metal it is but do remember a coiled configuration like a clock spring. There is a housing where it coils located in the chrome base of antenna. As the knob turns, the "wire" is fed into a channel guide as it winds or unwinds to move the section. If that is the broken part you mean, then finding a replacement may be a task. Also, if the break location is at the attachment to top section, that might be another issue. Several metals used for making constant force springs are available which might be a good substitute but the retail suppliers seem to have 1/4" width as the smallest they stock. Once measurements are determined, if there is a close in size stock clock spring, that might possibly be made to work and could be found at one of those shops.
Posted on: 2012/8/29 21:22
Re: Packard rotary antenna
Home away from home
I tried to restore the rotary antenna on my 1950 Packard. I bought old parts, and even a complete unit which was ugly and not working. I managed to figure out how to disassemble the thing and took the parts to a chrome shop where they did a passible job of chroming the pot metal. Putting it back together was near impossible and some small parts were still missing. I finally gave up and bought a restored antenna from Chirco.
This thing is a nightmare and very expensive. I have about $700 in the antenna so far but at least it looks nice. The radio plays but has a bad connection with the antenna. I think it is the spring clip that attaches the wire to the antenna. I wish you lots of luck.
Posted on: 2012/8/31 10:06
Fred Puhn
Re: Packard rotary antenna
Just popping in
THanks for your return message. It is the antenna lead wire
and I am wondering what part of the antenna the lead is attached to. I see no evidence of any place where it was originally attached to the inside of the antenna. I don't believe solder would be strong enough. I either had to be clip or something similar. Any more ideas? John
Posted on: 2012/9/1 8:21
Re: Packard rotary antenna
Just popping in
Was the antenna from Chirco expensive? Did it work OK?
I have had mine apart and am sure a clip or something is missing where the wire attaches to one of the interior parts Solder won't work,so am curious how tro proceed. John
Posted on: 2012/9/1 8:26
Re: Packard rotary antenna
Forum Ambassador
The antenna lead connects with a slip on connector around the shaft. Perhaps that piece is missing. Jerry at Yesterdays reproduces the plastic pieces. Perhaps he can give you an idea on the other item.
This photo is a Packard photo showing how and where it is located in prewar Packards. You can barely see the clip but can see the wire attached. As further illustration, if you will download Yesterday's Radio 2012 catalog, on page 12 there is a typical antenna breakdown photo illustrating the lead in connecting piece nicely. Many mfgs used similar antennas so there may be slight variations. Attach file: (16.78 KB)
Posted on: 2012/9/1 8:58
Re: Packard rotary antenna
Home away from home
The wire attaches with a spring clip snapped around the metal shaft as shown in the illustration. On my car the radio signal is intermittant and responds to my hand tapping the antenna knob. I am pretty sure the clip is a dirty connection, but I need to take the time to take it apart and try to clean it up.
The antenna from Chirco cost me $500. It someone wants a do-it yourself project I have my old antenna, some other used parts, and a couple of rechromed parts. I will sell the spare parts all or part.
Posted on: 2012/9/1 17:20
Fred Puhn
Re: Packard rotary antenna
Home away from home
Hi Fred. I need an external antenna for my '49. Everything seems in place except the actual rotating antenna. I believe I need the piece(s) highlighted in pink. Please let me know via PM what you have and what you want for it. Thanks!
Attach file: (12.14 KB)
Posted on: 2012/9/1 18:08
Re: Packard rotary antenna
Just popping in
Thanks so much for the information
Posted on: 2012/9/2 18:52
Re: Packard rotary antenna
Just popping in
Thanks so much for the information
Posted on: 2012/9/2 18:53