Re: Anti-rust sprays
Home away from home
I just got some of the same stuff for the rocker panels for my 51, and will be installing it tomorrow. I'll let you know about the ease of installation, which should be messy. As far as the rust proofing ability, I'll let you know in a few years. I do know that Jim Richardson has used it and has reported it in the Auto Restorer magazine as a good product.
Posted on: 2012/12/11 21:06
Re: Anti-rust sprays
Home away from home
Well, I sprayed the greenish waxy stuff into the rocker panels today. Drilled two holes on each side and inserted a long plastic tube that came with the kit. One can did both sides. Just wear disposable gloves and put paper down on the floor. This stuff will find every crack and opening and will dribble out. I don't have a bore scope, so I can't tell you how well it coated, but I think it's ok. Certainly better than bare metal. The whole process took about half an hour.
Posted on: 2012/12/12 23:03