You're Driving 90 Horses
Home away from home
Owen Dyneto has to appreciate this late 40's early 50's Highway Safety Film. It stars many New Jersey Bell Telephone Trucks and has some great film footage of many different makes of cars and trucks of that era. It's kind of long but the era is well represented.
Posted on: 2013/1/24 14:32
Re: You're Driving 90 Horses
Forum Ambassador
Thanks Gator, I really did enjoy that. I kept looking at the backgrounds to see if I saw anthing familiar from my childhood - just a couple of "maybes". I still use hand signals in my 34 and not that most folks know what they mean, but they almost always hold back knowing that you'll be doing something even if they don't know what. And turning the front tire to the curb when parking on a hill? Still do it occasionally with the 56 Carib because I've learned not to use "P" on the pushbutton trans on a steep hill - I did it once and it was once too often. Now I carry a wheel chock which coincidently came from a telephone or power company utility truck!
Thanks again for postng.
Posted on: 2013/1/24 17:12
Re: You're Driving 90 Horses
Home away from home
I'll add my thanks for posting that too, O_D. There was what looked to be at '38 or '39 Junior Series 15 minutes in. It was used to show signs that a driver might pull out of a parking place - sure enough, it did, right in front of the Phone Company Truck. I noticed it had a dent in the left rear fender. Wonder if it got that in an earlier "take".
Posted on: 2013/1/24 20:00
1951 200 Deluxe Touring Sedan
1951 200 Deluxe Touring Sedan (parts ?) 1951 Patrician Touring Sedan 1955 Patrician Touring Sedan |