Another sterling Packard source, parts/repair
Home away from home
Jeff Adkins, Moose's Obsolete Brake Parts, 1050 Goodwin Avenue, Penngrove, CA 94951, 1 (707) 792-9985,
Jeff offers not just the titular, and for all old American cars and trucks, but repairs components and complete cars. Jeff's been at this a long time, a can do gentleman, and drives the wheels of his longtime '47 Clipper Deluxe club sedan, recently got a '47 Custom Super club sedan project car. If you're tired of regasketing the warped pot metal of your 65-75-year old glass bowl fuel filter, for example, Jeff has NOS complete units. You name it. So whether you're in the greater Bay Area/NorCal or not, add Jeff to your sources file. Between Jeff and Steve Messenger, Just Packards, 2200-A Cuttings Wharf Road, Napa, CA 94559-9732 1 (707) 254-2046, there's not a nut, bolt, shim, spacer, lockwasher on your Packard these worthies can't address, replace. Again, when i find someone who caters to our cars, speaks our language fluently, goes the extra mile, i believe in spreading the word. Tell them a black '47 Super Clipper in Walnut Creek sent you.
Posted on: 2013/2/8 3:07
Re: Another sterling Packard source, parts/repair
Forum Ambassador
The "Packard Directory" link in the left has both a vendor category and a services category as well as other selections where people can add this type info. Just click on the "add new listing" button at the top and fill in the form.
Posted on: 2013/2/9 20:49
Re: Another sterling Packard source, parts/repair
Not too shy to talk
I value both Steve and Jeff as friends. Steve can fix anything Packard (and other things too) Jeff is fabulas for brake parts original abestos linings as original. If you have a V-8 packard you know that they don't stop with modern organic linings.
Posted on: 2013/2/12 19:00