Re: On to upholstery issues....
Home away from home
Should work; try it on a sunvisor first.
Posted on: 2013/4/5 21:05
Re: On to upholstery issues....
Home away from home
most brake cleaner is made with toluene,, wall marts brand has methanol, toluene and acetone, acetone is MEK,
MEK will attack plastic, so will toluene, but both of those in the gas tank, cleans up the fuel system. MEK will take out any water, toluene, will soften rubber parts, and the exhaust smells sweet,, but you will get loaded too!...the olds days , sniffing glue, glues are made with that stuff.. mek is great to use for putting together plastic models, you let it run down the seam, and no glue residue..
Posted on: 2013/4/5 23:34
Re: On to upholstery issues....
Home away from home
Pat, I had good results cleaning the interior of my 55 Clipper with Resolve. It was most effective on the headliner, seats and visors. I would spray the Resolve on the fabric surface, wait a few minutes for it to work, and then with a damp terry cloth towel carefully wipe the surface until it was clean and all the Resolve product had been removed. I got some impressive results with white towels turning to brown. It is described on my adventures with a 55 Clipper blog on this site. Be gentle, very gentle with the headline, but it will clean up.
Posted on: 2013/4/8 9:43
We move toward
And make happen What occupies our mind... (W. Scherer) |
Re: On to upholstery issues....
Forum Ambassador
acetone is MEK,
Riki, not quite. Acetone is dimethylketone; MEK is methylethylketone so the difference is one more carbon atom, hence slightly higher boiling and slightly less solvency but still a potent solvent.
Posted on: 2013/4/8 10:46
Re: On to upholstery issues....
Home away from home
MEK vs Acetone (Because I'm a nerd?):
Attach file: (2.42 KB) (2.72 KB)
Posted on: 2013/4/8 12:39
Re: On to upholstery issues....
Home away from home
I'm not a chemist, but I did stay in a Holiday Inn once....
I note that the bottle of resolve uses triple oxy cleaning power,,,, Wouldn't that make it a bleach, which sounds very hard on old cloth.....
Posted on: 2013/4/9 0:49
When two men ride the same horse, one has to be in the back...
Re: On to upholstery issues....
Home away from home
Pat, I used the Resolve on my headliner, which is in a fragile state, but still intact. There were no problems with the Resolve being hard on the old fabric. I was most careful in very gently wiping the Resolve from the fabric. I let the Resolve do its job and just removed it. No scrubbing required. It worked great for me. I first tried it on the sun visors. Give it a try on yours. I think you will be pleased with the results. Just remember to have plenty of clean cloths available for the job. You will be amazed at the amount of dirt removed. (o{}o)
Posted on: 2013/4/9 9:22
We move toward
And make happen What occupies our mind... (W. Scherer) |
Re: On to upholstery issues....
Home away from home
These are some really great -- and imaginative suggestions. Just to get off the subject for a second, I used Blue Magic polish on my Clipper's chrome. It is easy to apply, wipes off easily (and like Resolve, left the microfiber rags nearly black), and made it look almost new. I followed up with Meguire's carnuba wax. Really did the trick ...
Posted on: 2013/4/9 10:33
You can make a lot of really neat things from the parts left over after you rebuild your engine ...
Re: On to upholstery issues....
Home away from home
how about a watered down MEK, its weaker cousin?
Posted on: 2013/4/9 21:12