Re: 54 327 lifter adjustment
Home away from home
I usually do 9 on the intakes and 15 on the exhaust when cold. The manual was written for the 51s so the 300 meant a 327 with 5 mains, though they had hydraulic lifters.
Posted on: 2013/10/12 6:12
Re: 54 327 lifter adjustment
Just popping in
Ross, thanks.
You said: "The manual was written for the 51s so the 300 meant a 327 with 5 mains, though they had hydraulic lifters." Mine's a 327 with 5 mains, should it have hydraulic lifters? Also do you have a head water outlet (5.0508) and associated parts? Thanks, Joe
Posted on: 2013/10/12 23:36
Re: 54 327 lifter adjustment
Forum Ambassador
My 327 has adjustable lifters
Joe, how did you make this determination?
Posted on: 2013/10/13 9:15
Re: 54 327 lifter adjustment
Just popping in
see attached photo
I can adjust them with a couple of 1/2" wrenches.
Posted on: 2013/10/14 20:52
Re: 54 327 lifter adjustment
Home away from home
I set mine hot then checked them cold to see the difference. There wasn't any.
Posted on: 2013/10/15 7:20
1954 Clipper Super Touring Sedan -5462
Re: 54 327 lifter adjustment
Just popping in
Thanks for the help. Guess I set them to start as Ross suggested to be safe, then do the finals after it's running.
Posted on: 2013/10/15 19:29
Re: 54 327 lifter adjustment
Home away from home
Good advice from Ross for a proper and accurate method for valve adjustment. Here is a different method that I prefer as I dislike trying to adjust the valves with the engine running and being close to all the heat and noise. The center cylinders are particularly hard to adjust with the engine running.
I run the engine up to operating temperature after preparing the car for valve adjustment including removing the tappet covers. Then, with the engine warmed-up and shut-off I adjust the valves, one cylinder at a time to the hot setting. I usually adjust one-half of the valves then run the engine again to restore operating temperature and finish the job. Perhaps I like this method because I do it so infrequently. Those, like Ross, who do valve adjustments on a regular basis get adept at working the wrenches and feeler gauges with a running engine and can do the job quicker than the way I have described. I like to use go and no-go feeler gauges rather than the one thickness type. (o{}o)
Posted on: 2013/10/16 10:57
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