Re: 47 Custom Super Throttle Rod Return Spring
Forum Ambassador
The O'Reilly spring should work if the tension is high enough. The way the spring mounts to the acc pedal seems to require a bit more tension than I was able to find with a common hardware spring. I bought stronger springs from McMaster and am happier with that choice. It mounts from a small raised tab on the floor metal to the hole in the throttle pivot.
The big question in my mind is how many springs. The 47 2106 illustration only shows the acc spring but that is not EC linkage. The older style EC illustration in the 47 manual shows another by the carb and parts book lists one for the 22 -23 with EC. I didn't have a bracket near the carb but it could have been lost over the years so made one. Haven't permanently installed the spring yet but did see how it felt. I used the same as the other and it was a bit much so if there is a second spring, perhaps the one by accelerator pedal doesn't need to be as strong. Does your car have the manifold bracket? I can't get a very good angle with photos but maybe these will give some ideas. There is also an adjustment procedure in the Clutch and Electromatic Training manual for the linkage over at the EC control area which seems to be rather important. My throttle wouldn't close fully until I readjusted that piece.
Posted on: 2014/8/11 19:50
Re: 47 Custom Super Throttle Rod Return Spring
Home away from home
I'm looking at the spring at the carb, I also had to make a bracket. That's why I was wondering if anyone has any correct drawings for that setup. I have found without that spring sometimes the carb doesn't close all the way and the engine idles to high.
Posted on: 2014/8/11 21:10
Re: 47 Custom Super Throttle Rod Return Spring
Forum Ambassador
I didn't have any brackets to measure so just went by photos from the archive and some ebay cars engine cmpts I collected. Went with what I thought would work and look appropriate. Looks quite a bit like yours from what I can see. Don't think the dimensions are all that critical but perhaps someone can give some official measurements on the postwar piece.
Looking at the photos, there does appear to be a bit of difference between models and years. If nothing official is posted, here is what I did. Made a pattern out of cardboard to get something I thought looked OK and would line up the spring mount hole with the bracket clevis. Traced the cross rod bracket to get the bolt hole pattern and contour so it would mount neatly under that piece. In an earlier post I asked if there was any stiffening or reinforcements and the answer from a couple of people was that there was none so made mine out of 10 ga for the rigidity.
Posted on: 2014/8/11 21:55
Re: 47 Custom Super Throttle Rod Return Spring
Home away from home
Here are a couple of shots of what I believe is a factory installation of the throttle spring on a '49 22nd Series 356. FWIW I'd happily trade the entire linkage from accelerator pedal to carburetor for the equivalent non-EC linkage [trade only, not for sale].
Attach file: (31.30 KB) (26.68 KB)
Posted on: 2014/8/12 11:18
Re: 47 Custom Super Throttle Rod Return Spring
Home away from home
Thanks Guys, it is funny so many different flavors. Here a picture of a Super Clipper with EC and this one has no bracket or spring.
Posted on: 2014/8/13 9:45