Re: More 38 Packard Woes
Forum Ambassador
Are you sure the nut isn't bottoming out on the last threads of the stud before it makes contact the coil bracket? I've seen that quite a few times and the normal cure if the threads are OK is to just add a washer, or use a die and cut a few more threads. Often applying the required torque with the nut bottomed out on the threads results in a broken stud - best practice if any studs have been changed is to always check to make sure there is sufficient thread length to allow the nut to make contact, with at least a couple of turns extra - just a simple visual check.
Assuming it isn't frozen or rusted into place you can generally remove the stud without removing the head and install a new or reworked one. Don't forget a little shellac or gasket goop on the threads that go into the head.
Posted on: 2014/11/1 22:41