Re: Tropic Aire Heater
Home away from home
Intact frames are impossible to find, old white metal cracks and disintegrates. the rh side is a duplicate of the intact lh side.
At the bottom on the lh side there is a small hole which is for an attaching rivet, was one on rh side also. They are for a photo-etched nameplate which was in one of several stylized Packard block letter or script. There may have been some other artwork in there but I do not recall. You may want to try scanning and using a 3D printer to duplicate the other side if you plan on making molds for re-casting. Just an idea. Thank James
Posted on: 2014/10/29 11:23
Re: Tropic Aire Heater
Home away from home
I'm sorry I missed this post. I am in the process of making this piece for my '30 sedan. Like you, I have several pieces of the frame. A local guy took those pieces and did a 3D scan, and from that has digitally recreated the original piece. I am now working on how to turn the design into an original(ish) part.
If you are interested in this part, please let me know (tom @ restorations120 dot com) Cheers, Tom
Posted on: 2015/1/4 20:36