Re: 1939 window regulator
Forum Ambassador
Mike, another possibility though I don't know how realistic it is, is that the regulator was a Henney-supplied part and not the same as any of the Packard units. I don't have a Henney parts book covering your year vehicle but perhaps someone else on here may have one.
Posted on: 2015/1/27 13:47
Re: 1939 window regulator
Home away from home
In addition to what OD said, can you post pictures of the old regulators?
Is the whole unit bad, or just the gears? Any markings on the old ones?
Posted on: 2015/1/27 14:36
Re: 1939 window regulator
Quite a regular
I will be able to post weird pics, because the part is still in the car, and it is still doing funerals.
I will have a look to see if there are any markings, and what the problem seems to be over the weekend. Any other ideas, guys?
Posted on: 2015/1/27 14:44
Re: 1939 window regulator
Home away from home
Sorry that I don't have anything meaningful to add about a Henney window regulator. But I do want to note my admiration for any 76 year old vehicle still doing the job it was built to do.
I'd also hope that you know what many on this Forum already know. In April of 1947, Henry Ford took his last ride in a Packard hearse. Probably also a Henney. Apparently a Lincoln could not be found and a Cadillac might even feel worse. Checking my sources, Franklin Roosevelt's remains left the Little White House in Georgia in a Cadillac S&S hearse for the short drive to the funeral train. But there's no detail as to what make of hearse was used for the final mile for the intermet at Hyde Park, New York other than the 200 "olive drab fastbacks with a white star on their doors" to transport the dignitaries. I'll continue to look but since the Roosevelt White House preferred Packards, it might have also been a Henney, too.
Posted on: 2015/1/27 15:42
Re: 1939 window regulator
Not too shy to talk
Just found a window regulator for my 39 Packard 1700, 2 door sedan. I found it on ebay for $60.00 and it was an NOS part. I would suggest you take it out and start Googling it. That's how I found mine. Kanter had one for, I think 114.00 but I'm not sure it would fit your car. Isn't finding 76 year old car parts fun???? To me it's finding them but not paying a fortune for them... Surprisingly they are still out there.
Posted on: 2015/2/5 0:03