Re: A relaxing Day Driving a Packard in Southeastern Arizona
Forum Ambassador
I know your passion for hummingbirds and glad you had a great trip. The 400 still looks fine, Enjoy.
Posted on: 2015/5/10 19:31
Re: A relaxing Day Driving a Packard in Southeastern Arizona
Home away from home
Tucson's monsoon rains have arrived. And over the last several days tall thunderheads have developed each afternoon along the southern horizon. These magnificent clouds bring our valley necessary rain water. I often spy the clouds during the day, watching as they work their way north from Sonora and the waters of the Gulf of California (Sea of Cortez). I so enjoy the smells that the desert creosote bushes release after such rains. It cleanses our desert if you ask me. The monsoon also brings us southern Arizonans brief periods of relief from the stifling heat.
So given the above, I thought it prudent to take the 400 out early this morning and put some miles on her before the rains arrived. This 400 always impresses me. She is so pleasing to drive and people frequently honk and waive as all have experienced as well. On this morning's journey, the 400 took me over to the Fort Lowell Park area of north-central Tucson. This area of Tucson is immediately south of the Rillito River, which for many generations was a farming area before our urban nature changed the landscape. As seen in the attached images, Fort Lowell was a prominent US Army outpost that protected Tucson during the wars with the nomadic Apache bands that inhabited the region. The long row house, in which the 400 is parked, is said to have been the quarters for the commanding officers serving at the fort. Today, the quarters are an actual residence. In 1958, Pima County erected awnings to try and protect some of the adobe remains, but as seen, time advances and portions of the fort are returning from whence they came. Also take note of the San Pedro Chapel. This building, though small, and not as prominent and beautiful as that of the San Xavier del Bac Mission near Tucson, is still used for certain religious celebrations. Attach file: (126.56 KB) (166.06 KB) (156.82 KB) (140.09 KB) (129.02 KB) (208.18 KB) (161.51 KB) (162.92 KB) (147.79 KB) (177.03 KB)
Posted on: 2015/6/28 12:12
Re: A relaxing Day Driving a Packard in Southeastern Arizona
Home away from home
Very Nice, Kevin. You are a master tour director for the southern part of our state. Ernie in Scottsdale, caretaker of 'Miss Prudence' a 1949 four door deluxe.
Posted on: 2015/6/28 12:32
Caretaker of the 1949-288 Deluxe Touring Sedan
'Miss Prudence' and the 1931 Model A Ford Tudor 'Miss Princess' |