Re: Viberation my Packard. 115-c. 6
Forum Ambassador
You don't say whether it's related to engine speed or road speed so I'd check that first. I'd say the chance that it's the vibration damper is very slim, more likely ignition or fuel if it's engine speed-related.
EDIT: Cross-fire between high tension leads? Loose or worn distributor rotor? Carbon tracking on the distributor cap?
Posted on: 2015/5/18 8:48
Re: Viberation my Packard. 115-c. 6
Forum Ambassador
I agree - fuel or ignition, and personally I'd bet on ignition as you suggest it is more "regular" than erratic fuel? Distributor issue? weak condensor or coil output?
Posted on: 2015/5/18 13:16
Re: Viberation my Packard. 115-c. 6
Home away from home
It'd be worthwhile to take a look at the engine and transmission mounts also. If it only happens when the car is under way, it'd be worthwhile to take a look at the wheels and tires. Look for a thrown wheel balance weight or a bent rim.
Posted on: 2015/5/18 21:20
Don Shields
1933 Eight Model 1002 Seven Passenger Sedan 1954 Convertible |
Re: Viberation my Packard. 115-c. 6
Just can't stay away
I had a similar problem with my 115c, turned out to be the distributor advance plate, the ball bearing supports brackets had broken and the plate movement was affected. The points gap was wrong as a result,
Regards Fred
Posted on: 2015/5/19 5:27
Re: Viberation my Packard. 115-c. 6
Quite a regular
Thanks for the response's this really helps. This happens parked. I purchased this car in November 2014 with very little owner info. Worked winter replacing all rear seals and axle bearings, transmission seals, motor mounts, pan gasket, front bearings and seals. Fuel pump and lines, new complete brake system, water pump, rebuilt carberator, all new body mounts and much more. I now will get into the distribitor and electrical thanks for the suggestions. Dave
Posted on: 2015/5/19 7:29
Re: Viberation my Packard. 115-c. 6
Forum Ambassador
I had a similar problem with my 115c, turned out to be the distributor advance plate
Good call, pepepackard. That may or may not be the problem but it's a good candidate. I'm often surprised that folks try to put new points in a distributor while it's in the car and not first remove it. It's certainly far easier to install and gap the points and perhaps more importantly presents an opportunity, all too often neglected, to remove the breaker plate and clean and inspect the internals.
Posted on: 2015/5/19 8:38