Re: Performance figures for 51
Home away from home
Just took my 54 Clipper with 288 (essentially the same as your car) on a camping trip, loaded down with gear and did 360 miles in the weekend. According to the modern car following we did up to 75 (80+ on my speedometer). Some slow steep climbs on secondary roads required near full throttle in third for a mile or so.
This 54 has overdrive. If you have straight three speed I would keep it below 70 as that would be 3300 rpm. 60 is about 2900. Motor Trend said the top speed for your car was 93 in an average of 4 runs. 0-60 by manually shifting the Ultra was 12.5 seconds. The smaller and endlessly touted Rocket 88 Olds was .3 seconds faster with its extra 15 cubes.
Posted on: 2015/7/4 20:26