Re: 1934 super 8 points conversion
Forum Ambassador
The correct NE points are getting hard to find but several sets have surfaced on eBay during the last year, fortunately I've got plenty for my own use. The points in the commonly available conversion kit uses Chrysler points, not Chevrolet. The kit is based on a concept I published many years ago and is available from several vendors. Components shown below.
Nothing complex in doing the ignition timing - you just have to keep in mind that your timing two independent 4 cylinder systems. Easiest way is to synchronize the two sets of points to fire at the correct interval as shown in the Service Letters (my own little gadget based on the tool shown in the service letters is attached) or with a distributor test machine like a Sun. If you don't have access to a Sun distributor machine or a tool like mine for synchronizing the points, you might try this method shown in my reprint (link). If you synchronize the two sets of points you only need to use a timing light for either #1 or #6 cylinder and time with the pointer on the front vibration damper. Otherwise if you haven't synchronized them, then you first time #1 in the usual manner and then switch your timing light to #6 and time that set by removing the distributor cap and adjusting the position of the moveable set of points.
Posted on: 2015/9/1 7:48
Re: 1934 super 8 points conversion
Home away from home
Cheers Dave,
That is a cool tool. I take it that it is in two parts with the piece hanging on the side? Have you any details on it please as I'm sure I could make one? As always your very helpful self. Many thanks Terry
Posted on: 2015/9/2 1:26
Re: 1934 super 8 points conversion
Forum Ambassador
Hi Terry:
The item attached to the shaft is just a pointer, any number of ways to make one. On the item attached to the side of the distributor body the two marks identify the correct firing interval between the two sets of points. Put a piece of paper between one set of points and hook up a small battery and light bulb across the other set; when those points open slide the side piece to index on the pointer, move the paper and bulb to the other set of points, and find that firing point. Adjust the moveable points as required, and take the backlash of the centrifugal advance into consideration, best to only move the shaft by the pointer and not the drive end. And make sure you rotate the distributor cam in its correct direction of rotation. Here's another adaptation, this one made by Frank Wemple. You might also want to take a look at the factory (Northeast) jig in the service letters and factory tools book for other ideas.
Posted on: 2015/9/2 8:38