Re: 1948 r9 OD roller clutch operation
Forum Ambassador
I am no expert but believe you are on the right track. The rollers and over-running clutch are the only component that transmits forward power thru the R9 unit when the OD is not locked out.
When the lockout knob is pulled out or the transmission is shifted into reverse a splined collar moves to solidly connect the two sides of the over.running clutch making it a solid unit.
Posted on: 2015/9/4 10:28
Re: 1948 r9 OD roller clutch operation
Home away from home
For certain the roller clutch. I would guess that the springs that preload the roller cage have broken. Fortunately, it is not too hard to remove the overdrive case with the trans still in the car.
Posted on: 2015/9/4 12:06
Re: 1948 r9 OD roller clutch operation
Not too shy to talk
Thanks guys. I will pull it down and inspect the clutch.
Next question. There are 2 over running clutch roller sizes listed on kanter Web site. Does anyone know the correct size rollers for a r9. I will measure the ones in this unit but, since it has been worked on previously I want to make sure it has the correct size rollers in it. Thank you rick
Posted on: 2015/9/5 4:47
Re: 1948 r9 OD roller clutch operation
Home away from home
You will find that the cam on the overrun clutch is probably grooved, usually by around 30 thou. This means that the rollers will not grip in the engine drive mode as the rollers drive up the ramp. A very frustrating symptom in traffic when the engine revs and no drive. It also occurs when limited slip oils are used in the gear box oils. There is no option other than a replacement cam...forget about oversize rollers as they create problems in overrun drag. Unfortunately you have to pull the gearbox not just the rear of the O'D to inspect this miscreant. PT
Posted on: 2015/9/5 7:43
I like people, Packards and old motorbikes
Re: 1948 r9 OD roller clutch operation
Forum Ambassador
The "junior" R9 takes the shorter rollers, the "senior" R9 (356 cars) take the long rollers.
Posted on: 2015/9/5 10:18