Re: 1954 Packard clippers deluxe sedan package shelf
Forum Ambassador
It is a cardboard base and the finish depended on the model. Most of the Clippers having paint or a finished patterned paper like surface and seniors having upholstery fabric. I don't know of any repros being done.
I believe the painted cowl board is about as close as you can get today in a finished cut it and ready to install product. If you have an upholstery supply house who does retail or an upholsterer friend who can order for you that might work. There are mail order outlets such as Restoration Specialties but at $22 a sheet and $80-100 oversize shipping the math doesn't work for me. One option many have done is get 1/8" fiberboard from the home center. I personally don't like paint but if you are good at prep then painting might work and look something like factory. Otherwise, you could upholster as was done in senior cars with a fabric or vinyl to complement the seats or headliner. Those usually had a thin cotton or pressed paper padding under the finish material.
Posted on: 2015/10/25 19:46
Re: 1954 Packard clippers deluxe sedan package shelf
Just can't stay away
Thank you. That will work.
Posted on: 2015/10/25 19:49