Re: 1932 std eight assembly
Forum Ambassador
In earlier years with that style engine Packard placed the piston expansion slots on the non-manifold side but later issued a service letter saying they now preferred to have the slots facing the valve side of the engine. They did also say however that if engines had been rebuilt with the prior assembly they saw no reason to disassemble and reverse it, so clearly they saw the difference as not of critical importance.
On the rods, don't be guided by which way the numbers face, the oil pee-hole in the big end faces the valve side of the engine - the idea of course to provide a squirt of oi lubrication for the thrust forces as the piston came down on the power stroke. Though it isn't fully detailed you might consider buying the appropriate Packard service letters.
Posted on: 2016/4/22 18:11
Re: 1932 std eight assembly
Not too shy to talk
Thank you, Owen
Posted on: 2016/4/22 23:15