Re: Digital Temperature Gauge
Forum Ambassador
I think you could hide the gauge without too much problem. You could put it out of sight under a fender or another item in the engine compt or under the dash in a flip up or swing away panel if you want it inside. The bigger issue is how you are going to do the sensor so it can be in an area with a constant flow of water circulating around it and not in some isolated cold or hot pocket. Trying to add the new sensor with a tee to the original location will result in minimal or no circulation to both sensors and a probably inaccurate reading on both.
There are some who have installed a tee in the heater hose for an additional sensor. That is an easy option that can be partially hidden but only works if the water circulates thru the heater all the time. There are ready made adapters for the radiator hose but the dimensions on the port may not fit the specific sensor for your thermometer. Also most of the adapters seem to be made for a hose size much smaller than ours and the real downside is the location is very out in the open and obvious. I added another analog gauge to the 47 using a modified radiator hose approach. Made a custom adapter out of aluminum to fit under the radiator hose outlet on the head. The sensor is in the water as it flows under and to the thermostat. It is sort of out of sight although you can see the sensor if you look. Mine is less visible than the photo would indicate because the AC compressor helps hide it. Downside to my approach is it is another of those locations that work better on some cars than others. If yours has the thermostat external to the head in the outlet fitting it works well. It can sense water temp before the thermostat opens so you can see more closely what is happening rather than having to wait for the thermostat to open to provide flow as would be the case in the ready made hose adapters.
Posted on: 2016/8/17 16:06
Re: Digital Temperature Gauge
Home away from home
Thank you Howard,I like what you did, The probe is threaded into the aluminum, does it seal okay or did you add sealant to the threads. Thank you for the photos. I want to mount the gauge so I can swing it out from under the dash and hide it when necessary.
Posted on: 2016/8/17 16:27
Re: Digital Temperature Gauge
Forum Ambassador
I used the 1/4" NPT adapter that came in the universal gauge kit because it was a US standard size and I could easily find a pipe tap. Drilled and threaded the 1" think aluminum block for that size. It was a snug fit but used teflon tape on the adapter anyway. The sensor threads into the adapter and that has a finished flare like surface so no sealant was needed on that connection. Standard outlet gaskets on top and bottom of the adapter and longer studs/bolts for the head finished the conversion.
Posted on: 2016/8/17 17:00