Re: 1939 Super-8 Starter question
Home away from home
All senior starters 1929 -1939 will interchange mechanically. The solenoids are very simple, just a pull in coil and a battery feed but as you have found the mountings are of several different types. 1929-1931 or 32 have a foot starter switch, a solenoid has to be adapted as there are no mounting holes.
Posted on: 2016/10/7 0:37
Re: 1939 Super-8 Starter question
Home away from home
So you're saying all flywheels in the 1930's have the same number of teeth and there should be no problem with meshing correctly?
Posted on: 2016/10/7 15:06
Re: 1939 Super-8 Starter question
Home away from home
Please read what I said, all SENIOR 8 cyl starters 29-39 interchange mechanically. I have 56 years Packard experience
Posted on: 2016/10/7 15:25
Re: 1939 Super-8 Starter question
Home away from home
Thank you Fred for your information, and I value your knowledge of Packards.
Posted on: 2016/10/7 15:56