Auto Design Art Show at the PPG
Home away from home
Wanted to announce the Auto Design Art Show to be held later this month at the Packard Proving Grounds in Shelby Township, MI (suburban Detroit).
The purpose of the event is to honor Bill Robinson for donating twelve, Packard concept car renderings to the Packard Motor Car Foundation. He created these works of art in the early 1950's when he was at Briggs Body Company. We also want to recognize the work of the League of Retired Auto Designers. Each year members of the League hone their skills on updating the designs of cars from the past. This year they selected Packard and guests will have a chance to see what could have been if Packard had survived. Among the 21 exhibitors are Wayne Katy, Steve Brown, John Perkins, Dennis Burke and David McIntosh. Additionally, automotive fine artists, such as Tom Hale, Charles Maher, Gerald Freeman and bronze sculptor, will be displaying and selling their works of art. Dates: Thursday, November 17 through Sunday, November 20 Times: Friday Night Reception - $15 per person or $25 per couple Friday: 6:00PM to 9:00PM Special reception with Bill Robinson Includes: 2 tickets for wine or beer, cheese, crackers and light hors d'oeuvres RSVP: ... grounds-tickets-28877374003?aff=es2 General Admission - FREE (donations accepted) Thursday: 2:00PM to 8:00PM Friday: Noon to 4:00PM Saturday: noon to 8:00PM Sunday: noon to 5:00 PM Serving: coffee, tea, soft drinks and desserts each day
Posted on: 2016/11/3 12:14
Re: Auto Design Art Show at the PPG
Home away from home
Hello BDC:
If you like the 2016 Clipper, then you can buy a reprint from the artist at the PPG. You might also like to read his comments about Packard. "In my opinion Packard designs epitomized beauty, grace and elegance from the early 20's through the late 40's. Their designs relied on elegant, timeless proportions and flawless execution rather than the design fads of the day. This is especially evident on some of the custom bodied Packards executed by the likes of LeBaron and Dietrich. These cars just looked expensive and reeked with elegance. In doing my sketch I wanted to do a design that embodied these qualities. A design that would look powerful, graceful and upscale and at the same time would convey a timeless quality." Dennis Burke
Posted on: 2016/11/4 10:04