Re: new fangled voltage regulator
Home away from home
As nice as the clover regulator looks, I'll be staying with the mechanical type. Too much money right now. I've got a SMP (Standard Motor Products) 12v 25 Amp regulator on it's way.
I'm pretty sure as long as voltage and max amperage of the regulator match the generator, then it is no problem to use a common part. (Could somebody use a Autolite reg on a Delco gen? I don't know) -I suspect that the regulator I have on the car now is regulating to too high a voltage. Measuring with my sears electronic multi meter I was seeing up to 15 volts, which I believe to be too high. I may also install a volt meter in the car so I can see if it's getting into over/under voltage situations. Happy Packarding!
Posted on: 2016/12/2 6:36
1953 Clipper Delux Club Sedan, 1953 Caribbean, 1969 912, 1990 Miata
Re: new fangled voltage regulator
Home away from home
Most likely the Clover transistorised is just some common place modern v-reg used in a modern alternator. They seem to mention Lucas Prince of Darkness quite often at the website.
We need to figure out what circuit board is used and build our own for probably ten bucks or less.
Posted on: 2016/12/2 12:48
VAPOR LOCK demystified: See paragraph SEVEN of PMCC documentaion as listed in post #11 of the following thread:f |
Re: new fangled voltage regulator
Home away from home
It would be cool to be able to build your own regulator, but I dont think it could be from parts of a modern alternator. I'm not about to tackle that engineering challenge. The basic function and controll of generators and alternators are pretty
different. I think the guy selling the clover regulator did quite a bit of homework to develop that thing. I will check the function of the voltage reg cutout and try to adjust it back to spec before I replace the regulator I have now. It has a good 10 years of service on it 😀
Posted on: 2016/12/2 15:32
1953 Clipper Delux Club Sedan, 1953 Caribbean, 1969 912, 1990 Miata