Re: Where do I get spark plug wires for 1953 Clipper Deluxe?
Forum Ambassador
One alternative, the one many of us chose, is to go to the auto parts store and buy the wire and the end terminals and make your own. I recommend copper core wire (i.e. NOT resistor wire); if you have issues with radio interference you could switch to resistor spark plugs.
Posted on: 2017/4/19 7:58
Re: Where do I get spark plug wires for 1953 Clipper Deluxe?
Forum Ambassador
To get an install ready set with proper lengths and terminals properly made up on both ends I believe the only vendor having those would be Dwight Wires are listed in about the middle of the page. Kanter and Max have sets with the proper black color wire or jacket finish with terminals and boots if needed on one end but you have to make up the other end.
O'Reilly has an inexpensive universal set which MIGHT work if the lengths are long enough for the straight 8 and the boots will fit the distributor. It has terminals made up on one end and you make up the other. Wires are gray instead of black and is listed for off road use only but from reading the specs, except for color of wire, it would be appear to be the same as original wiring and appropriate for our Packards. Here is the link so you or some more knowledgeable people on the forum can check them out and see if the set might ... ch_N0610_-1_2562&pt=N0610&ppt=C0150 They list the lengths of the wires in the kit so that would be the first thing to check. If the boots won't fit the dist cap, old ones might be able to be reused or generally new ones can be found and purchased separately. Didn't find any made up black wire universal sets at Napa or O'Reilly but both have several other universal sets which aside from the bright wire colors could also work and are less money than vendor offerings. You do want to stay around a 7mm wire thickness or they may not fit inside the channels in the rubber insulator block at the wire guide.
Posted on: 2017/4/19 8:52
Re: Where do I get spark plug wires for 1953 Clipper Deluxe?
Forum Ambassador
You might check and see what Brillman has to offer.
Their premade postwar Pontiac straight-8 kit might be a suitable choice, either as is or as a starting point if you want to change the plug ends to straight. And maybe there is something better in their offerings, I didn't look very closely.
Posted on: 2017/4/19 10:49
Re: Where do I get spark plug wires for 1953 Clipper Deluxe?
Home away from home
| can make you up an authentic set.
Posted on: 2017/4/19 12:44
1938 1601 Club Coupe