Heater Control Cable
Home away from home
Saturday I worked like a dog at the salvage yard to grab a cable from a '55 Clipper as mine had bent & broken. The trip yielded some other goodies too but when I got home, no cable!
Of course I called them and it was not where I thought I had left it. Sound familiar? Well google is our friend (usually) and I found this NAPA page. Wish I had done this first! Here ya go guys. napaonline.com/en/p/TWRMEI2541
Posted on: 2017/6/28 21:35
Re: Heater Control Cable
Forum Ambassador
Good to know these are available locally but if Napa doesn't have the exact length needed or they have to be special ordered, here is another place with cables. Some lengths may also be a bit cheaper than the Napa offerings. This company will also make custom length cables.rayeveritt.com
I have used several of their cables with my various projects. The Napa cables are probably the same but these are teflon lined and move much smoother and easier than the originals.
Posted on: 2017/6/28 21:46