Re: valve guide
Just can't stay away
Could I have a block with guide made into block that requires reaming ?if so I've trashed my block..have not four d any info on that..needing guidance...thanks
Posted on: 2018/3/16 16:30
1949 deluxe 8
Re: valve guide
Forum Ambassador
No, you have removable guides, not intergral.
You might be able to use an end mill to square up the broken face of the guide and then resume using a proper guide drift and driving it down and out. Alternatively you might think about making a rig to pull the guide out from the top - Studebaker and Chrysler used such techniques. I've been successful with both approaches. How did you break it? And if you driving it down and out, don't forget to protect the valve seat from an errant hammer blow.
Posted on: 2018/3/16 17:19
Re: valve guide
Just can't stay away
I'm sure by using improper punch...the edges are jagged and I can't c a definite edge of the guide where it broke..thanks for the encouragement...I read there are some engines with non removable guides...wondering if I was one of the lucky ones...have not seen anything on that...thanks a lot!
Posted on: 2018/3/16 17:34
1949 deluxe 8
Re: valve guide
Forum Ambassador
Non-removable guides pertains to the 55/56 V8 engines. I wouldn't consider myself lucky to have one, you either have to ream and buy valves with oversized stems, or convert to removable guides. But it is a lot easier to take a cylinder head to a machine shop than an engine block.
Search this site or the PAC forum for valve guide drifts and you'll find a KD tool number as well as commentary and dimensions for making a drift. The right tool makes the job easier.
Posted on: 2018/3/16 17:40
Re: valve guide
Just can't stay away
I saw those on the forums..googled the numbers but didn't find them..ordered one from goodson today.i think the one I had was too small dia and noticed it had a taper at the step...this is my first try at a guide and in not doing to good!makes me realize proper tooling is most important and I should no that...I really appreciate the advice...unfortunately I don't have access to an end mill and engine is in the car...we haves machine e shop at work but don't like asking the machinist to do things for me...ill just carry on i guess with different driver...I'm paranoid to hit on the guide to hard..I've destroyed enough
Posted on: 2018/3/16 17:56
1949 deluxe 8
Re: valve guide
Forum Ambassador
You mentioned the guide stopped. Any chance it bottomed out or were you using a chisel to break the bottom off for clearance as it was driven down?
Posted on: 2018/3/16 17:58
Re: valve guide
Just can't stay away
| hasn't moved...just broken apart at block level...that's why I thought I may have one that was not removable...I've done a lot of reading on it but not as easy as it sounds in the manuals...I'm just sit n on it right now deciding what to do next
Posted on: 2018/3/16 18:06
1949 deluxe 8
Re: valve guide
Forum Ambassador
This might be helpful. And illustrations of suitable guide drifts. The large one with the broken tip is the commercial KD-815, the others are those I made up over the years. Note you need a nice crisp and flat shoulder to properly face the top edge of the guide.
Posted on: 2018/3/16 18:22
Re: valve guide
Just can't stay away
Thank u!I've seen this post...I tried to find that kd number with no luck...ill dig a bit more...appreciate it!
Posted on: 2018/3/16 18:43
1949 deluxe 8