Re: Oil Bath Air Cleaner Support Bracket
Home away from home
Trying to reply but keep letting a time-out error even though only a few minutes have elapsed since I logged in.
Here are some photos from the bracket on my 1951 Henney-Packard ambulance which has the 5-main 327 and 2-brl carburetor. The bent end attaches to a bolt on the side of the head while the straighter slotted end is attached to the air cleaner itself using the long bolt that holds it together. As I recall, the brackets look very similar between the 2-brl and 4-brl filters but were not interchangeable and of course, the 1954 with the 359 was completely different
Posted on: 2018/5/19 11:42
Re: Oil Bath Air Cleaner Support Bracket
Forum Ambassador
I believe the bracket Don shows is the same as your car would have. Without some dimensions you will need to set your cleaner in place and take measurements. IIRC the bracket is approx 1/8 thick material and a little over 1" wide.
Main difference between brackets is the length from the bend for the block mounting bolt to the slot and the degree for the two angles at the block side. The angles controls the 90 degree across the block and horizontal height portion and the length is for the different carbs. Kev has a couple of photos of his engine. I believe his bracket is different but you can still get an idea of how it mounts to keep the cleaner horizontal and at 90 degrees to the ... ic.php?post_id=13219#forumpost13219
Posted on: 2018/5/19 12:41
Re: Oil Bath Air Cleaner Support Bracket
Home away from home
Not a great shot of the bracket but here's a 1951 (with dealer-installed A/C) that shows it in place.
Posted on: 2018/5/19 12:51
Re: Oil Bath Air Cleaner Support Bracket
Quite a regular
Many thanks gentleman! Exactly what I needed to know.
Posted on: 2018/5/20 14:11
Re: Oil Bath Air Cleaner Support Bracket
Home away from home
You're very welcome and I just happened to have the bracket photos as someone wanted to buy it so I pulled it off but then it turned out that his Packard had been retrofit with a 4-brl carburetor so needed a different bracket.
Posted on: 2018/5/20 14:16