Re: Shop Manual
Forum Ambassador
It is the same manual. For most significant changes made on 56 models there are supplemental pages at the end of each relevant section. If you want to check the literature page here on site, download a section or just look thru the manual to see how they did it before buying a copy. Electrical is one section I can think of with additional supplement pages and there are others. There are a few items that didn't get supplemental info but for the most part major changes are covered.
Posted on: 2019/1/7 19:47
Re: Shop Manual
Home away from home
Like h said.
Just remember..55 is positive ground. The torque converter is different to...the hub is different..odd looking.. 56 torque converter I like ... Used my dad's 55 manual for 50 years..he does have the supplements for ultra and rear end..i think electrical too.. Buy it if it's reasonable...orginal is what I am referring to.
Posted on: 2019/1/7 22:03
Re: Shop Manual
Home away from home
Be certain to get a workshop manual that includes the 1956 supplemental information. For many years, the Packard Club had these manuals available and you can still likely get one either via the club or by advertising on the club website or via ads in the club publications. I very, very strongly recommend that you not use a standard 1955 workshop manual since there are so many changes for 1956. For instance: ? The 1956 Twin Ultramatic transmission is ALL aluminum. The 1955 is not. Using the 1955 torque specs for the bell hosing on the 1956 transmission will guarantee you'll strip the daylights out of the bolt threads in the case housing. ? The 1955 is Positive Ground. The 1956 is Negative Ground. There are other differences-some that can cause real trouble if you don't know the subtle differences. Also you'll want to look up the factory Service Bulletins that were issued which contain important information in neither manual. I believe some of these Bulletins are in the archives on the Packard Information web site. Important stuff to consider when working on your 1956 Four Hundred.
Posted on: 2019/1/8 13:55
Re: Shop Manual
Home away from home
Thanks to all hwo responded. I took your advice and got a manual that represents both the '55 and '56 Packards. I continue to be very glad for this site.
Steve in Indiana
Posted on: 2019/1/21 10:43
Steve in Indiana
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