Forum Ambassador
Every generation has their innovation... and the millennials... well they "invent"
And no.... I'm gen x
Posted on: 2019/10/12 0:23
1937 Packard 138-CD Deluxe Touring Limousine
Maroon/Black 1090-1021 [url=]1955 Packard |
Home away from home
I tend to follow activities of Ram as a son uses a heavy duty pickup in his hauling business, in this case an air bag system to assist the springs after you've loaded your Packard(s) on to your trailer.
Posted on: 2019/10/12 7:00
Home away from home
I had a '69 El Camino with air shocks used to level it after loading the bed. Nothing new or inventive, it's been done for decades. Packard's Torsion Level suspension was much different and innovative. JWL
Posted on: 2019/10/12 12:09
We move toward
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Forum Ambassador
Remember the GM cars in, I think it was 57 or 58, where they tried to match Packards self leveling with air bags. Worked so well many were recalled and fitted with conventional springs after one too many times the car was found sitting lowrider style in the driveway or would be going down the road and suddenly start scraping pavement.
The Ram claim of inventing someting is nothing new. After all, Chrysler advertised their new gas saving "invention" in the 70s right after the oil crisis. That new "invention" turned out to be a lockup torque converter. Guess no one told them Packard's Ultramatic and Stude's Automatic Drive both had that feature in the early 50s long before Chrysler. I guess it is only fitting a division of the old Chrysler now has "invented" self leveling truck beds.
Posted on: 2019/10/12 12:54
Home away from home
My 1935 has factory ride control (and no airbags). All these new vehicles come out with start buttons, Packard had that in the 30's as well. Theres nothing new under the sun; all that's old is new and what new is old.
Posted on: 2019/10/12 15:52
I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you
Bad company corrupts good character! Farming: the art of losing money while working 100 hours a week to feed people who think you are trying to kill them |