Re: Help Needed with 1928 526 Dash Wiring
Home away from home
Yea , most pot metal pieces 90+ years old are unless in climate controlled cover. Sometimes pieces like that back cover are thrown up in grage atic. contact the people u had gotten the car from have them look it doesn't hurt. Sometimes they say o yea.dash pieces for 28 are though, but that back should be out there its tin. Also if u ask about back ask if thay have any pieces of the old speedo all parts are hard to find or expensive. The fuel guage is reproduced but very expensive . At least for us 526 guys .those convertible guys buy 3 in case thay drop one. Jealous maybee.
Posted on: 2020/2/24 8:54
Re: Help Needed with 1928 526 Dash Wiring
Home away from home
Where u able to contact the previous owner.if so how did that pan out.
Posted on: 2020/2/27 9:53