Re: Ultrasonic Cleaner Rust removal
Home away from home
That's correct that you can use a ziploc bag in the ultrasonic. In the dental field that is done routinely to clean dental appliances without contaminating the rest of the solution. Put the appliance in the bag with some dedicated cleaner, seal it off and hang it from the side of the ultrasonic. Works great every time.
Nice result on your part! -Kevin
Posted on: 2021/1/21 12:12
1954 Clipper Super Panama | Registry | Project Blog 1938 Super 8 1605 | Registry | Project Blog 1953 Clipper Deluxe Club Sedan | Registry | Project Blog |
Re: Ultrasonic Cleaner Rust removal
You can filter the evapo through a shop rag to remove all the junk. I reused it until it was basically black in color.
Posted on: 2021/1/21 12:31
1954 Packard Clipper Deluxe Touring Sedan -> Registry | Project Blog 1937 Packard 115-C Convertible Coupe -> Registry | Project Blog |
Re: Ultrasonic Cleaner Rust removal
Home away from home
What an interesting idea! For comparison, you could try putting a similar part into a sealed bag of Evapo-Rust for the same time without using the ultrasonic machine. That will indicate whether the ultrasonic actually helped or if the Evapo-Rust alone did the work.
Posted on: 2021/1/21 15:46
Re: Ultrasonic Cleaner Rust removal
Home away from home
Big Kev,
Thanks for the filter idea. I bought my wife a wonderful chinois strainer she never uses. Maybe it has found a new use. Bill
Posted on: 2021/1/21 16:10
Re: Ultrasonic Cleaner Rust removal
Home away from home
I’m sure we all have a cache of red stuff to get rid of, so thanks for starting this thread. I’m currently a fan of Evapo-Rust purely for the simplicity of use, but it takes quite a while to finish the job. Perhaps those that use an electrolysis process can fill-in some details on that method.
I do had a question about the ZipLoc bag technique, “Is the top of the bag sealed and also held above the normal cleaning fluid level, or once sealed the top of the bag is allowed to go wherever it wants to go?” Kevin’s comment suggests the top of the sealed plastic bag is held above the waterline. dp
Posted on: 2021/1/21 22:26
Re: Ultrasonic Cleaner Rust removal
Home away from home
In dentistry we seal the bag and clip it by the top (the seal out of the water) to the side of the ultrasonic bath. The vibrations in the fluid pass right through the bag and vibrate the cleaner in the bag the same as if there were no bag. We do it this way to prevent any possible cross contamination.
Same concept should work for cleaning parts. Clipping the bag to the side will prevent failure of the seal and your evapo-rust escaping into the rest of the tank. -Kevin
Posted on: 2021/1/22 0:18
1954 Clipper Super Panama | Registry | Project Blog 1938 Super 8 1605 | Registry | Project Blog 1953 Clipper Deluxe Club Sedan | Registry | Project Blog |
Re: Ultrasonic Cleaner Rust removal
Home away from home
I just tried a product called Acid Magic I had a part that didn't respond well to Evapo-rust so I put it in a bag with this Acid Magic at 140 degrees and it was derusted in a couple hours with the UC on 30 min cycles every hour or so.
Posted on: 2021/1/22 11:36
Re: Ultrasonic Cleaner Rust removal
Home away from home
Phosphoric acid would be my choice. I use it all the time.
Posted on: 2021/1/22 12:25
Re: Ultrasonic Cleaner Rust removal
Home away from home
so I'm a little late
But I use (Vinegar) for rust removal. Even on some large parts. just soak the piece in vinegar and wait a day or two. take out of the solution, rinse, if there is stil rust, just dip it in again. For large pieces, I soak old thin rags in the vinegar, then place on the rusted area. Then I place plastic over it as a vapor barrier. I did the roof of my 74 dart this way inside rim, the splash shield, fender skirts. At $2.64 a gal. that is cheap rust removal.. Do not use on any type of spring. Best
Posted on: 2021/8/9 15:51