vacume motor rebuild kit
Home away from home
is there a anyone out there know where i can get a rebuild kit for a series 22 1948 vacume wiper motor
Posted on: 2022/6/20 10:03
Re: vacume motor rebuild kit
Home away from home
highly recommended by me
Posted on: 2022/6/20 10:05
Re: vacume motor rebuild kit
Home away from home
Are the ‘48-‘50 motors Trico? The one in my 1948 was not which was a surprise as I sent it off with many other later motors to be rebuilt by Trico themselves back in the day when they still did that sort of thing. They returned it untouched.
Posted on: 2022/6/20 11:13
Re: vacume motor rebuild kit
Forum Ambassador
According to this Trico the factory supplied Trico motors for the 22-23 series Packards. I have no idea how many companies might have built vacuum motors but don't remember reading of any shortages or substitutions that might have required a temporary change like some of the prewar shortages of clutches or other mechanical items. They did make a change in motor location during the 22-23 production but I think that was just a matter of different Trico parts. Perhaps yours had some aftermarket repair part installed.
Posted on: 2022/6/20 11:47