Re: Update on Atomic Museum car
Home away from home
I hope they kept the Masonite doors and roof.
Posted on: 2009/4/3 13:28
Re: Update on Atomic Museum car
Home away from home
The old thread on this topic had about 50 posts on it for anyone who didn't get into that conversation last fall and winter.
The story of seeing the limo in a flat bed is a funny tribute to technology and instant communication. They can't hide a limo in the desert like they could 67 years ago. Jim Walther is the museum director. i will email him again for an update. Old thread starts at: ... flat&order=ASC&type=&mode=0&start=0 DanL
Posted on: 2009/4/3 18:28
[i][size=small]Dan'L in SD
41ParPack [color=000066]First of the Clippers [ |
Re: Update on Atomic Museum car
Home away from home
Thanks for the personal info and update on this historical era and your family connections to it. I am very interested in this Atomic Clipper because: 1. I own a 41 Clipper. 2. My son worked at Sandia Nat Lab (at Livermore, CA) 3. Haven't seen many stretch limos of the 41 Packard Clipper variety. 4. I want to see this museum and these Atomic autos. DanL
Posted on: 2009/4/5 11:14
[i][size=small]Dan'L in SD
41ParPack [color=000066]First of the Clippers [ |
Re: Update on Atomic Museum car
Home away from home
I just read the opening pages of the book online. I ordered two hardback copies (used) for myself and my son. Thanks again, DanL
Posted on: 2009/4/5 11:33
[i][size=small]Dan'L in SD
41ParPack [color=000066]First of the Clippers [ |
Re: Update on Atomic Museum car
Home away from home
DanL, I worked at Los Alamos for 18 years, the Lawrence (no relation) Berkeley Lab for 1 1/2 years, and the Lawrence Livermore Lab for 8 years. I was able to work at all of the Univ. of Calif. Nat'l Labs before retiring in 2000. I had friends at Sandia-Albuquerque, but none at the Livermore site.
Posted on: 2009/4/5 11:34
We move toward
And make happen What occupies our mind... (W. Scherer) |
Re: Update on Atomic Museum car
Home away from home
Fascinating! My son, works at Lawrence-Livermore Lab presently. I will send you a PM of details. DanL
Posted on: 2009/4/5 14:11
[i][size=small]Dan'L in SD
41ParPack [color=000066]First of the Clippers [ |
Re: Update on Atomic Museum car
Home away from home
Hey Kev~~~
The 'Packard Info Spy Network' really is WORKING. I sent Jim Walther, Nat'l Atomic Musuem Director, the following message yesterday: Jim, Hello again. Thanks to internet I have heard reports that a 1941 Packard Clipper Limo freshly painted olive drab has been sited traveling on a flatbed truck in your area. Do you have any truth or update to add to this rumor? My friends at the Packard information Website are chomping at the bit, racing their engines, Packard-mania curious to know how the relic is coming along. Dan Leininger A Proud 41 Clipper Driver Sioux Falls SD TODAY, Jim Responded with: Dan, It was....briefly. Our Packard was installed last week and it is now safely inside the museum where it looks great. Jim SO, the 1941 Packard Clipper is inplace in the Museum. (Olive Drab needs to be added as unofficial secret 1942 Packard color) DanL
Posted on: 2009/4/5 16:28
[i][size=small]Dan'L in SD
41ParPack [color=000066]First of the Clippers [ |
Re: Update on Atomic Museum car
I am glad the intel my field agents provided was accurate. Forget Big Brother....BigKev is watching.
Posted on: 2009/4/5 16:36
1954 Packard Clipper Deluxe Touring Sedan -> Registry | Project Blog 1937 Packard 115-C Convertible Coupe -> Registry | Project Blog |
Re: Update on Atomic Museum car
Home away from home
I was just being kind, Kev. Don't let it go to your head! I never thought of you as related to 'Big Brother'? So you started Packard Info as a covert spy info network. "Velly intellesting" DanL
Posted on: 2009/4/5 17:40
[i][size=small]Dan'L in SD
41ParPack [color=000066]First of the Clippers [ |