Re: Oil Leaks
Home away from home
Don't overlook the environmental aspects of leaking oil. Those drops on the highway get washed off by the rain and end up in the local watershed. Bacteria will eventually eat it, but will inhibit oxygen transfer until. Plus it's can create a slippery surface during wet weather. Definitely keep a couple pans with drysorb in them under while in the garage. I find these under waterheater pans, very economical and about the right size ~30" and are only a 1 1/2" high. Cost under $10 - b4 Bidenomics.
if you can feel with your finger nail or see a depression where the seal rode, it may not be leak tight with just a new seal. It's better to reface/build-up(weld) and machine back than plate. Have to post weld temper to prevent a brittle failure. Chrome, unless it's plasmaspray, requires a cheaper soft substrate to buildup and adhere to and it's not a thick coating continuous typically. They can plate black hard chrome, typical for diesel pistons. Need to be specific there. On cast or mild, common to resleeve. Shrink fit. In fact, they often come sleeved under the seal, so they can be replaced. I've done this a lot for rotating industrial equipment in hazardous services in my past. Not sure what seals are on that year, but some of the old seals are fiber or rope and then tend to not be as good as the modern face seals. Lube oil was viewed very differently when it was worth a few cents a qt vs now when it's $8.
Posted on: 2023/4/16 9:12
Re: Oil Leaks
Home away from home
Agreed! Other The booster piston and valve have small vacuum leaks the brakes are good! (Rebuild kit on the list.) The oil leaks seem to change the more I drive, I think they may actually be getting better, and my worst leak may be the shaft seal on the gear selector on the transmission.
Posted on: 2023/4/16 10:19