The camshaft on my 1929 Standard Eight is riffle drilled to lubricate the nine camshaft bearings and the camshaft sprocket / chain at the front. Oil is fed from the rear main bearing and flows forward through the camshaft. At the front, the riffle drilling is "plugged" with a cup plug but this has a rough hole drilled through it approximately 3/8" in diameter. This seems huge in comparison to the riffle drilling diameter and I fear that the flow will largely dump out the front and minimize oil flow to the individual camshaft bearings. Does anyone have any insights on whether or not this cup plug should be drilled and, if so, what diameter should it be. Thanks for any advice.
My 32 deluxe 8 had a hole in the front of the cam shaft plug, but it was smaller than 3/8. I think it was to get oil to the timing chain. I saw a couple of disassembled engines in the parts section of Packardinfo . Maybe he could measure the hole size.