Re: body to frame spacers 1941 110 conv
Forum Ambassador
Welcome to the forum from another Fresnan.
How the body bolts are assembled and part numbers of cushions/shims starts on page 7 of parts manual body section 30 of the 35-41 parts manual which can be downloaded here: ... 41_PartsList_Group30_BodyGroups.pdf and in the utilities section 50 starting on page U27 there are some dimensions & thickness & type material of the various ... 35-41_PartsList_Group50_Utility.pdf
Posted on: 2009/5/24 21:37
Re: body to frame spacers 1941 110 conv
Just popping in
i have the parts manual but i can not identify the individual spacers and their thickness front to back
Posted on: 2009/5/24 21:51
Re: body to frame spacers 1941 110 conv
Forum Ambassador
Will have to let a prewar car guy give a definite answer but if they were assembled like the postwars, there was no set thickness. Believe they all started with a standard amount which maybe someone knows or has a car to check but after that it all depended on the tolerances when the body was built. An amount of shims or cushions of the appropriate thickness was inserted to fill a gap & maybe pull down or push up a certain spot to control anything resulting in improper door/fender gap.
Posted on: 2009/5/24 22:11
Re: body to frame spacers 1941 110 conv
Just popping in
i understand i can shim to suit as soon as i can find the starting thickness thanks i hope someone with a car like mine will respond
Posted on: 2009/5/24 22:23
Re: body to frame spacers 1941 110 conv
Forum Ambassador
Out of curiosity, do you have any spacers with the car? Looking at the parts manual, there does not seem to be any cushions used which I would expect for a convertible but there are spacers. Part # 337451 & 337453 spacers and steel liners #326495 and 328689 are listed for the 1489 conv coupe body to frame. There may be more but didn't see them on a quick look.
#337451 is 9/16 thick but 453 doesn't show. If they go in order, then 453 would be about 5/8. Liners appear to be 1/16 slotted so probably used as shims and other is 7/16 with a hole. Anyway, maybe that's enough to jog a memory or give someone a clue.
Posted on: 2009/5/25 0:39
Re: body to frame spacers 1941 110 conv
Forum Ambassador
Generally, convertible bodies are braced to prevent flexing before mounting to the frame, and the spacers individually selected to accomodate slight variations in body and chassis manufacture. Before a convertible body is removed, it must be very thoroughly braced in all directions, and you should make note of the size and location of the shims. If not, you may have body alignment problems, doors especially.
Posted on: 2009/5/25 7:34
Re: body to frame spacers 1941 110 conv
Just popping in
i have square spacers 1/8 and 3/8 thick and round spacers 9/16 and 13/16 thick they all came out in transport as the bolts had been removed by previous owner
Posted on: 2009/5/25 11:06
Re: body to frame spacers 1941 110 conv
Forum Ambassador
Don't see too many 110-120 convertibles listed in the owner registry here so a definitive answer may not come too quickly. Have you also posted your question on the AACA Packard forum? (scroll down to domestic makes and models, Packard) Prewar guys seem to hang out over there a bit more so maybe someone will see and be able to help.
If nothing comes in, then maybe you could see if there is any one size that would seem to be a constant. Are the locations at same depth from body--if not is there a combination that would go together to get something reasonably consistent on all the locations that are of same depth.
Posted on: 2009/5/25 13:00
Re: body to frame spacers 1941 110 conv
Just popping in
if someone could give me the spacer thickness on the first spacer this would give me a starting point. this is the one at the angle attached to the firewall it can be seen and measured from ehe engine compartment
Posted on: 2009/5/25 13:09