Re: 29 coil and switch assy.
Home away from home
Nice friend. Those are very valuable. The first thing I'd do is to check to make sure the coil is good, however. Sorry I cannot be of any help to give a photo of the bracket that holds it onto the back of the dash. I think it resembles the type of bracket that would hold the clock, but I don't know for sure.
Posted on: 2010/10/15 9:00
West Peterson
1940 Packard 1808 w/Factory Air 1947 Chrysler Town and Country sedan 1970 Camaro RS |
Re: 29 coil and switch assy.
Home away from home
It is a three point mounting bracket. I will try to remember to get a photo of the one I just picked up at Hershey for approx $400. Very nice friend . If the coil is not working, which is very likely, you can still use the switch and assembly. Just wire the coil in series with a new coil that is on a hidden mount on the firewall behind the dash.
Posted on: 2010/10/15 13:04
Re: 29 coil and switch assy.
Home away from home
There were two types of coils used on 1929 models. Early cars used a coil with an oval cross section. Later cars used a coil with a round cross section. Both coils have a bracket that clamps around the coil and attaches to the back of the dash. The ignition switch is on the end of the coil that faces toward the dash and the switch protrudes into a hole in the dash, giving access for the key. The early switch attaches to the coil with screws. The later switch is fastened with lugs bent over the switch (were there some later switches that attached with screws also?). I have been told that Atwater Kent can rebuild these coils (508) 792-9500, but haven't checked with them to verify. I have attached a picture of early and late 6th series coils. Good Luck, Jim Wayman 640 Phaeton
Posted on: 2010/10/15 13:40
Re: 29 coil and switch assy.
Home away from home
Classic and Exotic will rebuilds them.
Posted on: 2010/10/15 16:23
Re: 29 coil and switch assy.
Just can't stay away
The coil I have is like the one on the right. What holds it to the dash? There is steel wrapped around it that might be pried apart but I am going to hear from someone that has done it before I try.
Posted on: 2010/10/16 19:13
Re: 29 coil and switch assy.
Home away from home
The picture of the early oval coil shows the coil with the bracket around it. The later round coil should have a similar round bracket that the coil fits into. Look on the back of your dash and you should see the studs that it fits onto. Jim Wayman
Posted on: 2010/10/16 21:13
Re: 29 coil and switch assy.
Home away from home
Here is a picture of the coil bracket on a 733 mounted to the dash. Obviously, the coil is missing.
Posted on: 2010/10/17 10:24
Re: 29 coil and switch assy.
Home away from home
Picture didn't come thru.
Jim Wayman
Posted on: 2010/10/17 10:49
Re: 29 coil and switch assy.
Home away from home
Posted on: 2010/10/17 12:42