Re: PAC's Fifth Henry Joy Tour
Forum Ambassador
Posted on: 2011/4/5 22:10
Re: PAC's Fifth Henry Joy Tour
Forum Ambassador
I have been on two HBJ tours. The first one I attended was in western Pa up thru Oil City and on into New York's wine making region. We got a tour of GE's locomotive facility in Erie and I learned a trick about torquing cylinder heads. There were prewar and postwar Packards and Chuck Flinchbaugh and Dwight Heinmuller guided us thru a really fun week.
My second one was up in Victor NY and was even better. I have videos of many of us driving our Packards on Watkins Glen race track. All in all, something that HBJ himself would enjoy. He thoroughly enjoyed driving his Packards and I am looking to continue the excursions on this upcoming HBJ tour. It is always great to finally meet some Packard folk that have only been names in magazines and on forums. If you do attend, make sure you come over and give me a poke in the ribs and introduce yourself. I keep plenty of cashews in the trunk and a spare chair to park your carcass. I have had more fun in Packards, but that was in the back seat and is a story for another time.
Posted on: 2011/4/6 1:33