Re: 56 Carpet
Forum Ambassador
Neal Porter
2330 West Clarkston Rd Lake Orion, Michigan 48362 810-693-1907 No email that I'm aware of. No other outlet for his material other than bound kits by Dwight.
Posted on: 2011/4/20 14:23
Re: 56 Carpet
Forum Ambassador
I purchased a carpet for my Caribbean thru Dwight. The sewing was so bad that I had to buy all new binding and my interior guy is going to redo it completely.
Posted on: 2011/4/20 19:04
Re: 56 Carpet
Forum Ambassador
Thanks for the contact info. I don't find anything decent locally that I like --just more cheap nylon loop which I already have.
FYI, Hirsch no longer sells kits for 56. He has 3 charcoal grays but only one with coloring that I think might look halfway correct. Not having anything to look at, could be wrong there but what I am thinking is proper almost matches the Maltese gray paint. Does that sound right?
Posted on: 2011/4/20 19:43
Re: 56 Carpet
Forum Ambassador
Yes Howard, my Carib carpet complements the gray dash very well. The binding is a lighter shade of gray and goes well with the carpet.
Posted on: 2011/4/20 19:45
Re: 56 Carpet
Home away from home
Neal Porter: Neal also sells completed sets with the rubber. Good luck. Mike Grimes
Posted on: 2011/4/20 20:53
Re: 56 Carpet
Home away from home
I had a front carpet made at a local hick town upholstery shop about 10 years a go for my 56 Exec. $25 complete, installed it myself.
Green matches perfectly to protected areas under the rear seat. Only difference is that he used grey piping because he couldn't get tehe green piping. The pile of the carpet is a perfect match too.
Posted on: 2011/4/20 21:24
VAPOR LOCK demystified: See paragraph SEVEN of PMCC documentaion as listed in post #11 of the following thread:f |
Re: 56 Carpet
Forum Ambassador
$25.00!!! Can barely walk in the door for that here--even 10 yrs ago. Wish I could find it locally but checking 3 shops, they all have the same sample page from the wholesaler. Cheap looking loop which is what's in the car now and a thin cut pile but the charcoal on both is too light for my liking.
I believe someone mentioned on an earlier post the original was cut nylon pile in the seniors, loop in the Exec and juniors. Hirsch sent a sample that I think may be close in color but not identified as to nylon or ?? and not sure of texture compared to what should be. Just has a number on the back and for some reason, not one of those mentioned or shown on his website so no other info on it yet. It's nice and could live with it but would like to have another option. Suspect the repro bulk will be megabux like the sewn set though. Have to decide whether a non original car that hardly leaves the garage needs a high priced carpet.
Posted on: 2011/4/20 22:23
Re: 56 Carpet
Home away from home
I supplied Neal with several of the original samples of the 56 senior carpeting. I bought enough of the carpet for both of my cars. It is correct for 1956 senior only and is beautiful. This was a much needed project that Neal did and if you want an authentic carpet you should consider it while it is available.
Posted on: 2011/4/20 23:30