Re: Mythbuster #777 Fram Oil Filters
Home away from home
What a great idea! I'd watch it! Fred reminds me of Groucho Marks and with a "Joysy" accent might even pass for another Tappet Bros. I only ever watch or listen to PBS anyway so that would be a great place to run the show, Go for it Fred. I'm thinking Fred wouldn't make it very far on The Gong Show.
Posted on: 2011/8/29 16:45
Re: Mythbuster #777 Fram Oil Filters
Home away from home
Hey Everybody:
Since this column is called "mythbusters", let me dispell a common myth. Factory clearances on these old Packard motors are every bit as precise as modern motors. In fact, piston clearances are tighter. I don't know about uniformity, but precision is precision, and as Henry Royce demonstrated optimal running clearances are not necessarily as tight as possible. I have heard sales people from oil companies make such statements about old motors being less precise and I don't even bother arguing because they are salesman. One time an oil salesman tried to sell me oil with a "higher ash content". Today's engineering is better, but like almost everything, standards haven't improved one twit.
Posted on: 2011/8/29 17:44
Re: Mythbuster #777 Fram Oil Filters
Home away from home
Tim etc
Twit?? Did someone call me?? As far as modern tolerances, nobody tolerates my humor any more than they did 50 years ago. There is more of a connection than meets the eye. My father's first cousin, Hal Kanter, is the dean of Hollywood comedy writers having gotten his start in the US Army's newspaper "Stars and Stripes", then to US Army radio and broadcast radio, then TV. He wrote for Groucho as well as many episodes of "All in the family", created and wrote the George Gobel Show and Julia with Dihann Carrol and hundreds of other shows, all of Elvis's movies etc etc. Did I mention 27 years as chief writer of the Academy Awards?? NO, not me, Cousin Hal. If you've ever seen the PBS documentary with all the writers for the Sid Caesar Show, Carl Reiner, Howie Morris, Neil Simon Woody Allen etc on the dais there's only one person up there who was not with the show, cousin Hal. That's because they all learned from him. I do want to boast, but, I've been on Leno's stage twice to help warm up the audience. (Note I was invited back against my strenuous objections) Both Hal and I learned at the knee of my grandfather, his uncle. "Give me a sentence with the word pencil in it" "Tighten your belt or your pents'll fall down". We've progressed since then. Famous quote: "Man does not live by Packard parts alone"
Posted on: 2011/8/29 18:18
Re: Mythbuster #777 Fram Oil Filters
Forum Ambassador
Fred, That is pretty impressive! The nearest I can come is that my grandfather worked in Hollywood just before World War 1 when in patriotic fervour for King and Country he returned home to enlist in the Canadian Expeditionary Force in August, 1914. He played bit parts in some of the Mack Sennet comedy flicks and when the early TV networks ran those old silent films on Saturday morning ol' granddad would point out the parts he played. No telling where I'd be or even if I'd be if Kaiser Wilhelm hadn't rattled his sword at the British Lion. Only Packard content is that he also owned a 1928 526 roadster and instilled in me my love of Packards as well.
Posted on: 2011/8/29 19:02
Dave |
Re: Mythbuster #777 Fram Oil Filters
Home away from home
I once got my car towed in Hollywood.
Posted on: 2011/8/29 19:08
West Peterson
1930 Packard Speedster Eight boattail (SOLD) 1940 Packard 1808 w/Factory Air (SOLD) 1947 Chrysler Town and Country sedan 1970 Camaro RS 1936 Cord phaeton |
Re: Mythbuster #777 Fram Oil Filters
Forum Ambassador
I trust it wasn't a Packard?
Posted on: 2011/8/29 19:15
Dave |
Fram oil filters - metallic hard facts & rubbery opinions
Home away from home
Rubber, metal, even metallic looking rubber - this website will probably help to find facts instead of opinions.
But for the fun I recommend the derived opinions.
Posted on: 2011/8/29 19:18
The story of ZIS-110, ZIS-115, ZIL-111 & Chaika GAZ-13 on
Re: Mythbuster #777 Fram Oil Filters
Home away from home
"Derived opinions". Reminds me of the '62 or '63 Thunderbird factory sales brochure that touted the upholstery material, "Genuine Imitation Leather". Merely the mention of it makes me want to yell "Rawhide! Yee Ha!!"
Posted on: 2011/8/29 22:09
Re: Mythbuster #777 Fram Oil Filters
Home away from home
I have looked on google under several different key words such as Fram Failure when I did my cut-away research on different Fram filters.
There are many entries based on other entries, sort of hearsay referencing on hearsay. I found several preposterous photos showing a filter that had disgorged some filter medium through the center hole. Not only is that "stuff" not used in any Fram filter but the filter medium would have to squeeze through 1/16" holes in the center tube which is impossible. Remember there was a time when people thought the earth was flat and another time when they believed Nixon when he said he was "not a crook". It is my conclusion based on 50 years experience in the auto parts field, examination of dissected Fram filters and review of hundreds of posts on the subject that the issue of Fram filters disgorging any number of curious objects is a hoax. Someone please prove me wrong by sending me a filter such as posted by cortcomp that I can dissect and find the remainder of the suspect item in the filter. EDIT: I FOUND A FILTER WITH A RUBBER COLLAR INSIDE, WILL RESEARCH Meanwhile I'm going for a ride on Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster
Posted on: 2011/8/30 15:59