Re: oil bath air cleaner
Just can't stay away
Regarding whether paper air filters do a better job protecting our engines than oil bath air filters:
I have no idea if this anecdotal evidence is true, but several old-timers here in the Seattle area commented to me that oil bath filters are superior. They said that back in 1980, after the Mount. St. Helens volcano blew, many vehicles equipped with paper filters experienced engine failures. This happened, they reported, because fair amounts of volcanic ash got through the paper filters and got sucked into the engines. The ash tore up piston rings, contaminated the engine oil, etc. They went on to claim that this did not happen to vehicles equipped with oil bath air filters. They say the oil bath filters protected the engines and that ash-related engine failures were rare in vehicles that carried those filters. Again, I have no firsthand experience regarding this matter; I'm merely passing on what I heard! All the best, Mark
Posted on: 2012/2/20 22:47
Re: oil bath air cleaner
Forum Ambassador
I doubt that changing to a paper air filter will give you any measureable increase in engine life over an oil bath, though it will save you the task of cleaning the oil bath filter. Oil bath filters are extremely efficient with retention abilities down to about 5 microns, same as most paper elements. The same cannot be said of the oiled mesh type filters, however.
Posted on: 2012/2/21 11:04
Re: oil bath air cleaner
Home away from home
For what it's worth, the car now runs quieter with the oil bath air cleaner, plus it seems to smooth out the surges when accelerating.
Posted on: 2012/2/21 13:45
Re: oil bath air cleaner
Just popping in
I have a 1949 Chevrolet that my uncle bought new. I have had it since 1965, (since I was 14).
The air cleaner/silencer is different from any I have seen on Chevys.
After an exhaustive search, it seems that I have a Packard air cleaner/silencer. I saw a post of photos of 1951 and 48-50 units and mine is a dead ringer for the 48-50?
As far as I know, this unit has been on my car since my uncle took it off the lot?
Mine is a cross the engine style, with a bracket, which holds up the oil bath side. I am now in the process of bringing it back to life.
Has anyone else seen such a unit on anything but a Packard?
Posted on: 2022/2/15 16:44
Re: oil bath air cleaner
Forum Ambassador
Oil bath cleaners were the higher end accessory and in Packards case were typically standard on the more upper scale models and optional on the others. They were also optional and used on several other brands. Buick for sure used them and maybe Pontiac. They were also used on V8 engines but the look is different due to the need for something to fit in the middle between the heads rather than hang over the top and off one side of the engine.
While the exact styling of the outer housing could vary by mfg, year, and engine they were all similar on the inside. Typically they had a silencer section and oil from the bowl splashing up kept the filtering material coated as well as kept the majority of dust and debris down in the bottom of the oil container. The units were made by outside vendors and each mfg could specify their particular needs or even choose a generic "one fits all" only needing to supply the specific brackets for mounting. The main things differentiating the horizontal style cleaners are length and diameter of the silencer section and the diameter of the opening for the carb. I cannot say if Chevy offered them but if you have any Chevy accessory catalogs or sales data books for your year you might check and see what their offerings might have been. Here are a couple from the 48 and 51 accessory brochures showing Packards marketing spin. The 54 item is a bit from the salesman's data book showing the difference between what was standard on low and higher end models. An oiled mesh was standard on Clippers but the oil bath could be ordered.
Posted on: 2022/2/15 17:15
Re: oil bath air cleaner
Home away from home
I am experimenting with a K&N aftermarket air filter arrangement on my '46 Deluxe. According to my research, they flow more filtered air than any of the others. For cars that accelerate like anvils, they need all the help that they can get. Plus, it can be serviced so it's a lifetime filter.
I'll keep after it to see if they make an element to replace what's inside the oil bath.
Posted on: 2022/2/16 5:12
If you're not having fun, maybe it's your own damned fault.
Re: oil bath air cleaner
Just popping in
Thank you very much for the photos and descriptions! As you can see from my pics, mine is like the one in your first illustration. It could be that the Chevrolet dealer where the car was bought was also the Pacard dealer? I will attempt to find out. Yesterday I began the cleaning/degreasing of the upper part. I have completed the restoration and painting of the lower (oil reservoir part). I have not been able to find a replacement gasket/O ring for the silencer part, where it joins to the lower part? I may have to make one? I am attaching two photos. The completed lower and the upper, upside down showing the area where a gasket is required. Attach file: 49 Air Cleaner Upper IMG_5208.JPG (263.15 KB) 49 Air Cleaner Upper IMG_5208.JPG (263.15 KB) 49 Air Cleaner lower IMG_5199.JPG (249.11 KB)
Posted on: 2022/2/16 10:16
Re: oil bath air cleaner
Just popping in
The lower look A LOT better than the photo indicates!
Posted on: 2022/2/16 10:18
Re: oil bath air cleaner
Just popping in
I read recently that a WIX 87055 element will fit perfectly on a 47?
Posted on: 2022/2/16 10:23