Re: A baby blue 40 120 in Oklahoma
Forum Ambassador
You invested... No fool there my friend.
Posted on: 2013/1/26 1:11
1937 Packard 138-CD Deluxe Touring Limousine
Maroon/Black 1090-1021 [url=]1955 Packard |
Re: A baby blue 40 120 in Oklahoma
Home away from home
55 above speaks wisely. Cars have a way of coming back, or another even more interesting in their place, should this be solace for your baby blue '40 120. My first Packard was a '40 120 sedan, tho' black from the factory and it being my first Packard, i felt it had to be the most Packard Packard possible, and so painted it Packard blue.
A late friend, a well-known collector of august domestic and European CCCA heavyweights, many of them over the years, nonetheless had an emotional attachment with just one car: a '54 Nash-Healey, which he sold and bought back four (4) times. They say "Only a man can have a love affair with a machine." And here we are. May someone on this fine site be able to track down your baby blue 120, at least assure you she's in good, appreciative hands.
Posted on: 2013/1/26 3:01
Re: A baby blue 40 120 in Oklahoma
Forum Ambassador
I was recently contacted by a gentleman who has just regained possession of "his" 37-115C coupe after 18 years. Just a car, Just a guy. But we know its more than that. I've had chances to buy-back two of my cars (998, 1297) over the years and passed both times. Memories are easier to store.
Posted on: 2013/1/26 8:40
Re: A baby blue 40 120 in Oklahoma
Home away from home
I have no problem with funding my daughter's education. Glad to do it. My grief is over the fact that I could have easily gotten a loan for that amount that the car sold for and kept the car. But life goes on. And now I have a heart specialist nurse for a daughter - could be handy one of these days....
Posted on: 2013/1/26 21:12