Re: Hood Bumpers
Forum Ambassador
Steele Rubber has it all, all the hood bumpers are just ordinary catalog items, as it almost every other rubber part in the car.
Posted on: 2014/7/26 13:58
Re: Hood Bumpers
Home away from home
Thank you OwenDyneto,
Would they have 'em at the parts store? (I don't have anything to match them with. The old ones are just gone. Probably in someone's shop because they forgot to put them on after painting or something.) The lack of bumpers is probably why the hood safety catch tip broke off. Hood jumping up and down against it with great vigor when it wasn't fully latched. Weird stuff you find, eh? I guess there's a lesson in there somewhere. Now what's the name of that apron thingy, again?
Posted on: 2014/7/26 14:06
[b]Not an Expert[/ |
Re: Hood Bumpers
Forum Ambassador
What could be easier than just going to the Steele Rubber website and ordering what you need? Or picking up the telephone and calling them? Here's the appropriate page from the 2009 catalog with pictures and part numbers, and how many required per car. Prices will of course be higher now.
Posted on: 2014/7/26 15:21
Re: Hood Bumpers
Home away from home
Thanks, Owen??Dyneto
Finally figured out how to put in that underline.
Posted on: 2014/7/26 16:51
[b]Not an Expert[/ |
Re: Hood Bumpers
Home away from home
Well, I ordered them from Steele. Really easy over the phone because of PN that Owen gave me. I gave a shoutout to the sales guy about PackardInfo.
The bumpers, (called Pad, Hood) still have the same PN shown above. It takes 4 of them, and the price is just a bit higher than shown in the above 2009 catalog. (That's enough about Steele.) I just really appreciate the ease with which I am making progress on this car with the help of folks on PackardInfo.
Posted on: 2014/7/28 15:02
[b]Not an Expert[/ |