Re: 1929 640 Phaeton top bow pattern
Forum Ambassador
Making reproduction steam-bent convertible top bows is a prime business of Penn-Dutch Restorations but I rather doubt they'd want to loan you one of their patterns when their business is selling the finished part.
Posted on: 2015/11/27 14:13
Re: 1929 640 Phaeton top bow pattern
Home away from home
There are 2 640 Phaetons, 5 & 7 passenger. Are following sectional drawings any help?
Posted on: 2015/11/27 16:37
Re: 1929 640 Phaeton top bow pattern
Quite a regular
My understanding is that a Phaeton is a 5 passenger, and the Touring is a 7 passenger car. Thanks for the dimension dawing which I assume is correct for a Phaeton. To make new bows I need more detailed information - the pattern of the outer curves and the location of the screws for the folding irons on each bow. For some years ago I made by myself new steam bend bows for both my 1929 Roadster and Touring.
Posted on: 2015/11/27 17:20
633 Touring
640 Roadster 640 Phaeton 1104 Club Sedan Odd Moen |
Re: 1929 640 Phaeton top bow pattern
Home away from home
The drawings are correct they are copied from original Packard literature from the era.
Keep in mind that the elevation dimensions are at the centre line of the car. I used the same Packard drawings for a 633 Roadster to set up the bows, irons and top by scaling the drawings up to a much larger size then measuring additional dimensions from the drawing. After a lot of time it became obvious where the irons needed to be attached to achieve the top profile. I bought my bows from a man who specialized in making steam bent top bows but he was unable to achieve the tight radius of the originals. If had to do another car (and I am trying to get cured of this disease!) I would make the bows myself by laminating and gluing thin sections around a a former of the required radius and width. I have seen the results of this method and they were very good. Obviously if you can access an original 640 Phaeton that would simplify the job. Phaeton or Touring? Here in Australia we generally call them all Tourers but I think your distinction is strictly correct.
Posted on: 2015/11/27 19:56
Re: 1929 640 Phaeton top bow pattern
Home away from home
This is how I set up my top bows using only the Packard drawing for the model.
The dimensions of the side elevation are at the centreline of the car and the drawings are to scale so redraw the views to the largest scale you can manage, full size would be best. Then make a temporary rear bow using three pieces of wood to form the bow with square corners. The width is dictated by the width of the pivot points on the car. The height is scaled from the drawing and the rear projection viewed from the side must follow the sweep of the rear of the body. This has to be correct or the top will never look right. Set that up in position and spend whatever time is necessary so that when viewed from the side it is identical to the drawing. Fix it in position using the top hardware. Then make a full sized template of the side view of the top profile from the rear bow to the the windshield scaled up from the drawing and temporarily fix it in position on the cars centreline. Mark off on the template the location of the other bows using the dimensions scaled from the drawing and make temporary square cornered bows for each location. The width of these bows can be developed from a combination of scaled dimension and the projection into the hardware. There is a fair amount of trial and error required but with time it will be possible to obtain the required sizes of the final bows. As you will know a perfectly made top which does not follow the correct profile will ruin the appearance of the car. When the new bows are made make sure the trimmer does not pull them out of position when the top material is finally tensioned. I hope that all makes sense.
Posted on: 2015/11/28 2:35
Re: 1929 640 Phaeton top bow pattern
Quite a regular
David, see the attached link about how I made the top wood bows; ... orum=1&post_id=35106#forumpost35106
Posted on: 2015/11/28 8:17
633 Touring
640 Roadster 640 Phaeton 1104 Club Sedan Odd Moen |
Re: 1929 640 Phaeton top bow pattern
Home away from home
Thanks for the link,that is exactly how I would make the bows if there was a "next time", your set up looks great.
If you are still looking for a pattern from a 640 Phaeton you can expand your search to include the 633 Phaeton, the body from the firewall back is identical on both the 640 and the 633. The difference is all in the length of the hood and trim.
Posted on: 2015/11/29 4:20