Re: 1941 120 vibration damper removal
Forum Ambassador
This was just covered in one of the Packard forums within the last day or two. Remove the radiator, either use an impact wrench or put the car in gear and apply the parking brake to remove the bolt. Use a large gear puller to remove the damper. No mysteries, no secrets, simple.
Posted on: 2015/12/12 11:52
Re: 1941 120 vibration damper removal
Forum Ambassador
No idea how much difference between the 40-41-and 42 and later dampers but here are photos of the factory tools. I was never fortunate enough as Oz mentioned in the thread on the AACA forum to just have one pull off.
You may be able to rent or borrow a similar tool but if not I made mine along the lines of the 42 tool by bending flat steel to approximate the Z shape shown and used a heavy piece of C channel for the spreader bar and center bolt There are several variations of the damper for the different engines but if it is a two piece affair like the V8 dampers one thing to be sure of is where any rubber might be located. Judging by them wanting the jaws placed in the belt groove I would say there is probably nothing to be concerned about on yours but surely someone here can say if there is any problem pulling at the groove on the 41 damper. Most likely except for groove locations all pre 55 dampers are somewhat similar in construction but V8 dampers are a good example of what to be aware of. Those require a different puller and if you use a puller that does not reach far behind to place the jaws on the inner portion which is the part actually fastened to the crankshaft you can pull the outer ring containing the grooves off. The two pieces on those are vulcanized together and the rubber can be torn apart by pulling in the wrong place.
Posted on: 2015/12/12 13:27