Re: 1940 Rear End /Bumper height
Forum Ambassador
When in doubt, try the shop manual. Riding heights are on page 49 of the 1940 160/180 Preliminary Shop Manual, available on this site, Measurements are from the ground to specified points on the frame.
Check your front springs, back in the day when the front springs sagged, spacers were jammed between the coils, raising the front and at the same time giving the appearance the rear was too low.
Posted on: 2019/9/4 17:33
Re: 1940 Rear End /Bumper height
Home away from home
Owen- Thanks. I saw that in my manual but was looking for something that indicated ground to back bumper or frame member. The offset makes sense, I just had to think about it.
I have a preliminary manual, but I was waiting for the final manual release. I suppose I will be waiting a long time. thanks again
Posted on: 2019/9/4 18:15
Re: 1940 Rear End /Bumper height
Home away from home
I remeasured the rear height and I get over 7 1/2" on drivers side and 8" on the passengers side top of the rear axle. Spec call for 5.75" to 6.75". Prelim manual indeed...something is amiss.
Posted on: 2019/9/5 19:40
Re: 1940 Rear End /Bumper height
Forum Ambassador
Your measurements are with the car properly ballasted?
How about a good side view photo of the car so we can see the posture? Weren't you suggesting it looked low in the rear? Don't your measurements show the opposite?
Posted on: 2019/9/5 19:58