Re: 28 443 and 29 640,645 hood .
Home away from home
Certainly the 640 and 645 hood would be the same.
Posted on: 2020/12/19 11:08
West Peterson
1930 Packard Speedster Eight boattail (SOLD) 1940 Packard 1808 w/Factory Air (SOLD) 1947 Chrysler Town and Country sedan 1970 Camaro RS 1936 Cord phaeton |
Re: 28 443 and 29 640,645 hood .
Forum Ambassador
The parts lists are available on this site, no need to rely on us - you can check them yourself but as I read it, the 640/645 hood is not the same as the 443 hood (bonnet).
Posted on: 2020/12/19 11:28
Re: 28 443 and 29 640,645 hood .
Home away from home
Thank you gentlemen for the reply. Yes i looked at the parts list but it doesn't tell you what the difference is. Are they the same size or is it a difference in the spring mechanism in a vent door, hood latch parts. Pretty much im hopping someone knows if they will interchange length, height,width , and contours.
Thank you Wes and owen_dyneto. You guys provide a lot of answers to us novices tying to keep pacards flowing in the hands of youg people working with there kinds. Part numbers don't tell u why they put a different number on it if it was a very small change.its a 6 series im looking for i want to know if 443 will fit . Hard to find and im looking to widen my chaces. Oh anyone have a back of shed one for sale Again thank you.
Posted on: 2020/12/19 15:43
Re: 28 443 and 29 640,645 hood .
Home away from home
I suspect that the 443 may be longer in the hood. For example, the 5 passenger phaeton bodies for a 640 and 443 are 1 11/16" difference in length from firewall to rear axle centerline. See attached drawings (which may not be clear enough to read). The wheelbases are 140 1/2" and 143", a difference of 2 1/2". The bodies and radiators on these two models could be positioned to accommodate these differences while using the same hood or the hood lengths are different.
I would tracking down owners of each model and asking that they measure the length of the hoods.
Posted on: 2020/12/19 17:11