Re: raido
Forum Ambassador
If no one has a cross to the PA-xxxxxx numbers is there any kind of a chassis or mfgs model number on the case or, if you open the back, is there a schematic pasted somewhere inside.
Philco used a number format such as P-xxxx and other mfgs used similar but different arrangements. Packard added their own PA number when the radio became listed as an official accessory. I have a few schematics and if the chassis number is found that might help narrow it down via that number. If there is a schematic pasted inside the case, in addition to the chassis number on the schematic frequently there is a print date or copyright date in small print somewhere on the page. That date would also narrow it down.
Posted on: 2022/3/6 12:30
Re: raido
Home away from home
If you can post a photo of the radio, that would help as well.
Posted on: 2022/3/6 14:57
Re: raido
Forum Ambassador
1938. Need pictures of what you have.
Posted on: 2022/3/6 16:06
Re: raido
Home away from home
Picture of the radio, inside of radio very clean . Do not know about any service.
Posted on: 2022/3/9 15:02
Re: raido
Home away from home
Another picture. The date on the inside1944 and manufacture is Philco
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Posted on: 2022/3/9 15:04
Re: raido
Forum Ambassador
1938 110/120. I am seeing 2 of 4 parts. Missing speaker and antenna.
Posted on: 2022/3/9 22:38
Re: raido
Home away from home
there is no speaker or antenna the inside looks good. the paper work on the inside has a date of 1944 but is do not know if it the manufacture date or not. I don't know if they made raidos for cars in 1944 because of the war. I would like to know what the value. I can buy it and sell it for a small profit
Posted on: 2022/3/11 15:33
Re: raido
Home away from home
If you have some old style headphones and a wire maybe 4 feet long, ground the radio case, connect the radio to a 6v power source, stick a stripped folded over end of the wire into the antenna hole and plug the headphones into the accessory speaker hole. Turn on and tune the radio from the controls. See what you get, if anything. The Flackmaster can tell you roughly what it’s worth as a core to be sent to a rebuilder or, if it works. You can look for Packard radio on eBay for ‘as is’ radios, too. Or search for 6volt vacuum tube car radios and see what rebuilt ones go for and what it costs to rebuild. As a start.
Posted on: 2022/3/11 16:17
Re: raido
Home away from home
Usually not good to just hook them up out of the blue. The buffer capacitors and electrolytic capacitors in the power supply may be bad....
Posted on: 2022/3/11 17:13