Re: This custom built Caribbean made specially for
Home away from home
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Good story HH.
I have never had any 56's with push button. So I have missed out on that fun. Maybe one day..........
Posted on: 2011/9/28 13:43
Re: This custom built Caribbean made specially for
Just can't stay away
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I have a 5699 with that same specially built tag centered on the glove box door.
Posted on: 2011/10/5 20:10
Re: This custom built Caribbean made specially for
Just popping in
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Good Morning,
I was wondering if a clearer scan of the Dealer order form is available or if an original is available for purchase? I also wondered if the project for reproducing these was ever undertaken. Please let me know. Thank you.
Posted on: 1/19 10:02
Re: This custom built Caribbean made specially for
Home away from home
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Has it been THAT many years? Then speculations and stories of these glove box door plaques are getting pretty wild now. Anyone who bought a new 1956 Caribbean of any flavor would receive an order form to fill out for one of these metal "custom built for..." glove box door plaques. The plaque would then later be installed by the dealer on the glove box door. The factory didn't get involved in this process. Of course, not everybody ordered one. These glove box door plaques had no connection whatsoever to the vehicle serial number which was indeed spot-welded in the driver's door jamb at the factory. Two different things entirely. By the way... the two (2) holes in the door jamb serial plate were there for alignment and grounding of the spot-welder device that attached them. These holes otherwise were never intended for rivets, screws, or any other fasteners. However this said, SOME pilot-production cars, press cars and concept cars such as the Request did indeed use special screws in these holes (yes, special). As for the Ultramatic pushbuttons and the "Park" setting (which is totally again nothing to do with the glove box door plaque) I've had numerous 1956 Packards over the years. Never had a problem with either Park or my pushbuttons. I know some people have had problems. I watched a guy at a PAC National years ago screaming at his Caribbean and vowing to yank the "terrible POS" pushbuttons out. But as I watched him operate the shifter, he was furiously punching back & forth on the buttons. I could see he was creating his own problem. The poor shifter mechanism just plain could not keep up with the fury going on at the pushbuttons. I would not have been surprised if by then his shifter had bent contact fingers from all the back & forth fury. Back in the 1970s I learned from my good friend, Joe Clayton (who owned GAGGLES of Packard V8s) to change gears slowly. AND our procedure was never to shift direct from Park to Drive or Reverse... but instead to go to Neutral first... THEN to your gear. On old tired pushbuttons this would help prevent over-travel from a revved-up pie contact section. And for those today who moan about Ultramatic's "PARK" and whether it did or didn't get stuck... almost none of these folks ever mention that many automatic transmissions in the 1950s didn't even have such a feature! NO park setting at all. We had two brand-NEW 1955 Pontiacs in the family... and NO Park setting. The car would roll away unless you pulled on the "parking brake" handle– which itself had a nasty habit of coming off in your hands! My 1956 Caribbean with just over 30,000 miles on it never had the automatic Park disconnected and still worked perfectly– much to the chagrin of those who did not understand it.
Posted on: 1/19 12:25