Re: Sticky speedometer needle
Home away from home
I don't know of a specific recommendation. One of the several vendors who services speedometers could probably advise. A watch or clock repairman might have good information.
Posted on: 5/17 7:56
Re: Sticky speedometer needle
Home away from home
Can't see why 3 in 1 oil would not be appropriate. Just don't use WD40 lol
Posted on: 5/17 8:52
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Re: Sticky speedometer needle
Home away from home
I agree, any light oil will work. As it is sticking at a specific spot carefully examine the mechanism for all reasons that this may occur. Some sort of dirt/debris on the shaft, in the bushing(s). Any kind of misalignment of the axle to the housing. A bent/deflected pointer can cause binding at a specific point on its sweep too. By moving the needle pointer by hand to the 50 MPH mark and carefully feeling how it is binding will tell you a lot about the cause. These are very light parts and the return springs are equally fine so it does not take much to overcome them and have the needle stick. Oil will help, but it may not tell the whole story.
Happy snooping! Bob J.
Posted on: 5/17 10:44
Re: Sticky speedometer needle
Home away from home
Thanks for the oil recommendations guys.
I spent a good part of the day looking at videos on how speedometers work, and how to service/repair them. One of those was for a Smiths unit, which featured an animated assembly of what looked like 3D CAD renderings of the individual parts . . . quite interesting. I also looked into the oils available for clocks and such, one of which was a liquid that evaporated and left a Teflon dry film behind for lubrication. I think I’ll postpone the speedometer task for a week to stock-up on these specialty lubes, which are bulk liquids, not aerosol cans. After a few of the videos I believe I’ve narrowed the areas that could produce a sticking needle as the only symptom. I appreciate Bob J’s comment on manually moving the needle to 50 mph to confirm the fault . . . it will surely be used to indicate whether the servicing has a chance of being successful. I’ll post a follow-up. dp
Posted on: 5/17 21:55
Re: Sticky speedometer needle
Home away from home
Oils that gum up or creep can cause problems. Oil will tend to attract debris which will cause problems. I'd consider one of the specialty oils which are supposed to resist creep, gumming, or drying out. Any dust, lint, paint flakes, or rust powder present inside the speedo will likely cause problems sooner or later. The odometer drum and odometer drive can also need cleaning or lube or both.
Posted on: 5/17 22:39